Sailor Advice, Adventures, Stories, and More…

NauticEd’s Learn from Other Sailors blog was inspired by you, our students. Learning from others is one of sailing’s greatest traditions: sea stories, advice, tips, travel and simply sharing the adventures of friends on-the-water fully enriches and completes one’s sailing experience. NauticEd fully embraces the sailing life and respects the often hard-earned experience of sailors.

We welcome sailors who’d like to share with NauticEd. Please contact us at info@nauticed.org if you’d like to share your own story, advice and experience.

Latest Posts

Meet the Instructor

Sailing instructors are often the most highly experienced sailors in the industry, but they all start somewhere! Gain insight into sailing from those who do it most…


Meet Sailing Instructor Michael Pearce

What’s your favorite part about teaching sailors? When the light goes on as the student connects the theory to the reality. The joy a student feels and expresses after completing a difficult task or executing a maneuver perfectly. The camaraderie that sailing promotes.

Meet Sailing Instructor Wayne Cook

I started sailing when I was 10 years old with my uncle on Lake Ponchartrain in New Orleans. It is then I realized my passion for sailinng. Forty years later I finally took a Formal Sailing Class. I thought I knew a lot, and I did, but did not realize how much I did not know

Explore & Discover

Top Apps for Sailing and Yacht Charter Planning

Top Apps for Sailing and Yacht Charter Planning

Discover the top sailing apps for iOS and Android. From charts and GPS tracking to weather forecasts, these apps have everything sailors need.
August 12, 2024/by Grant Headifen
Windflower anchored at the head of the fjord Devil Bay

Sailing the Fjords of Newfoundland

Discover the remote beauty of Newfoundland through sailing. Explore untouched anchorages and fulfill your adventurous spirit.
August 6, 2024/by Guest Author
Sailing emotional intelligence support group on a boat

TAKE THE FRIGGIN WHEEL! Free Sailing Emotional Intelligence Podcast

Unlock the power of emotional intelligence in sailing with our podcast. Learn to be a strong leader and create a wow factor with your crew.
June 24, 2024/by Grant Headifen
9 Essential Knots for Sailors

9 Essential Knots Every Sailor Should Know

Unleash your inner sailor with Bill Ibsen's guide to 9 essential knots. From bights to bitter ends, master the art of knot tying.
June 15, 2024/by Bill Ibsen
Provisioning for yacht charter


Along with places to provision, we also provide some key tips to help become competent in this skill, and some handy reference sheets.  And last—we present restaurant recommendations so that on the nights you’re not cooking, eating, or cleaning aboard, you can enjoy some of the delicious BVI cuisine on shore.
March 30, 2024/by Lauren Zykorie

Sailing Lifestyle

The benefits of sailing extend far beyond mere recreation. From stress relief and improved cardiovascular fitness to enhanced mindfulness and personal growth, sailing offers a holistic approach to well-being that nourishes the mind, body, and soul. So why not cast off the lines, set sail, and experience the transformative power of the sea for yourself? Fair winds and following seas await.
March 12, 2024/by Lauren Zykorie
Pirate facts and quotes - a pirate ship anchored off the beach.

Pirate Facts & Quotes

A collection of our favorite pirate and seafaring quotes. And, we added a wee bit of pirate history to help put the pirate quotes in context.
January 15, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Tips on Navigating the Hazards of Bora Bora

The entire southern end of Bora Bora's lagoon is unnavigable to sailboats due to its shallow waters, although much of it can be traversed by dinghy. This means that for incoming sailboats to visit the picturesque eastern side lagoon...
December 23, 2023/by Bill Ibsen
Sailor Gift Ideas for holidays and special occasions

Sailor Gift Ideas

Sailor gift ideas - Sailing is the gift that keeps giving whether by helping someone achieve their goals with a sailing course or the ultimate of gift of a sailing vacation.
December 9, 2023/by D Henderson
Where have you been

How to and Why Authenticate a Boating Logbook

Whenever you are out on the water sailing, the SailTies app will create a GPS real-time track of your every movement and display it on a map. You can see every tack, gybe, knock, and lift. The guys at SailTies did such an amazing job of creating a user-friendly app for GPS tracking that we decided to hook up with them and allow their data to directly feed right into the student NauticEd logbook.
August 31, 2023/by Grant Headifen
Sailing in the Mediterranean tips. Read this blog if you're going to the Med.

Sailing in the Mediterranean Tips

If you are going sailing in the Mediterranean, here are some great Sailing in the Mediterranean Tips to help plan and enjoy your trip.
July 13, 2023/by Grant Headifen
Maneuvering a Dual Rudder Catamaran - What is a Sailing Vacation

Dual Rudder: Maneuvering Under Power

When a monohull sailboat has dual rudders, it will act differently than with a single rudder, so knowing what these differences are and how to manage them will save you a lot of headaches (and will keep you safer).
June 24, 2023/by Trisha Evelyn
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Last updated on October 9th, 2023