Press Release – Annapolis Bay Charters becomes NauticEd FlagShip Sailing School

Annapolis Bay Charters becomes NauticEd’s first Flag Ship Practical Sailing School

NauticEd announced today that the 30 year old and well respected Charter Sailing Company, Annapolis Bay Charters, would become it’s first Flag Ship Practical Training Sailing School.


To date, NauticEd has successfully established itself as The World’s Most Advanced Online Sailing School and provides 12 online sailing courses helping students learn to sail – on the theory side. Now with Annapolis Bay Charters joining the NauticEd team, students can learn practical skills alligned to the theory courses offered by NauticEd.

Scott Farquharson, Owner of Annapolis Bay Charters, says that this is an obvious alliance. “We’re allowing NauticEd to take care of the theory while we concentrate on teaching the practical sailing skills on our modern fleet of sailboats. We wanted to bring a high-tech, high-touch approach to teaching our students.” Annapolis Bay Charters will be offering a four-day intensive Bareboat Charter Master practical training sailing course. Students must complete the theory requirements for NauticEd’s Bareboat Charter Master Rank online prior to the beginning of the school. “If you’re taking out a $300,000 yacht on a sailing charter vacation, you’d better know what you’re doing,” says Scott. “This course, combined with the NauticEd theory sailing courses, will get you there under the proper standards and quality deserving of such ventures.”

Practical sail training classes will be conducted on modern 37 to 40 foot, fully appointed yachts matching the requirements that anyone will find when chartering a sailboat anywhere in the world. Annapolis Bay Charters will also offer a one-day NauticEd Skipper Practical Proficiency Checkout. This is designed for students who are already proficient at sailing but want a final tune up and the Practical Skipper Proficiency Stamp on their NauticEd Sailing Certification.

NauticEd online sailing school has long promoted that its students should get on the water training and experience as soon as possible after taking their theory sailing courses and recommendeds various hands-on-schools on it’s website. With the new Flagship concept, NauticEd students will be guided through the practical training closely associated with the theory teachings. NauticEd’s sailing courses are self paced online classes whereby the student can learn and test out on their own schedule, suiting the busy lifestyle of people today.

NauticEd’s practical training and experience system works as such: Students, after passing their online sailing courses, can be trained from novice through Skippering their own boat in near coastal waters to Bareboat Charter Master. With the Bareboat Charter Master Rank the student is expected to have enough skills to safely charter a sailboat on a charter sailing vacation. The Practical training sailing schools will “sign off” on the student’s proficiency and a verification stamp will be automatically added to the student’s NauticEd Sailing Certificate. NauticEd developed the web based technology to allow an instructor to log into the student’s profile and click a button indicating to which level the student is now practically proficient. “By the time the student arrives home, their online and downloadable sailing certificate will reflect their new practical proficiency level” says Grant Headifen President and Founder of the NauticEd sailing school.

The NauticEd sailing certification also contains information about the student’s self logged practical sailing experience. This gives charter companies the essential knowledge they need to ascertain the skill level of a charterer prior to accepting the booking. NauticEd provides an online logbook free of charge to it’s students. Students log their past and on-going practical sailing experience through NauticEd’s website and through a free iPhone sailing app available online from Apple iTunes. Headifen interviewed dozens of charter sailing companies prior to developing the Bareboat Charter Master Rank sailing certification. The conversations resulted in ascertaining that students should have logged a minimum of 50 sailing days experience before reaching charter level competency. The Bareboat Charter Master Rank requires this 50 day level in addition to passing the NauticEd Skipper, Maneuvering Under Power, Bareboat Charter and Coastal Navigation courses prior to being awarded the rank.

The NauticEd Sailing Certification Explained on video

NauticEd touts that it is the only sailing training company offering such a high tech and experience based approach to awarding sailing certificates which are now accepted by most major charter sailing companies. “Now with Annapolis Bay Charters and other flagship sailing schools coming online, the NauticEd sailing certification becomes an extremely strong education program and verification system of a student’s proficiency” says Headifen.


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on January 5th, 2025