Sail Trim
While setting the sails to general rules of thumb will get you really close to a good sail set, the true finesse in sailing is understanding sail trim.
With sail trim knowledge, you use the telltales to observe the flow of air over the sails to perfect the sail set and maximize efficiency. Telltales are pieces of ribbon or wool threads where the leading edge is glued to the sail. By observing the flow of the telltale, the sail trimmer can visualize the flow of the wind over the sail at that point.
As a benefit to being a NauticEd student, you have access to a FREE interactive Sail Trim Course in your curriculum. Hopefully, you have already gone through it. Now is a good time to remind you that if you have not already visited the FREE Basic Sail Trim Course online, do so now. There is no better introductory course than the NauticEd FREE Basic Sail Trim course.
We’d really love it if you spread the word about the FREE interactive Sail Trim Course to your friends, your yacht club, and heck – even Facebook.