Emergency navigation lights on board
Got a request from a student to point out more through out our courses the need to have on board emergency portable battery powered navigation lights in case of electrical failure – and we couldn’t agree more.
An acquaintance of mine was nearly run down by a high speed ferry in the middle of the night in the cold waters of the Solent in the south of England. He had an electrical fire and had to shut down the breakers AT NIGHT.
Emergency portable white, red and green navigation lights are an essential safety item needed on board. If you own a boat then these should be on and checked for operation before the next time you go out. If you don’t own a boat, forward this blog post to friends that do.

Portable Navigation Lights
They are relatively inexpensive and a quick search on Google for portable navigation light will locate them or just visit to your local chandlery who are more than likely to have them in stock. Some have suction mounts, some have c-clamps and some mount on the pulpit railing.
This is just one of those durh things that we all tend to not think about, but the chances of being hit at night with out lights WHEN you have a electrical failure are so high it’s a shudderer to contemplate the consequences.
Happy sailing!