How to Dock a Sailboat

Maneuvering and Docking a sailboat

Here is a short clip on maneuvering a sailboat into the slip – backwards. The wind is coming right out of the slipway and so driving the boat directly up into the wind then expecting to be able to turn the boat around perfectly while the wind takes over is a bit risky.

So here we elected to begin backing the boat from the start of the slipway. Then it is a simple matter of steering the boat into the slip keeping boat momentum and water flow over the rudder which is imperative for steerage. If we’d tried to turn the boat, the boat stops and we loose steerage allowing the wind to take over. Learn everything you need to know about maneuvering your boat in a marina (where most accidents occur) by taking the Maneuvering and Docking a Sailboat Under Power course ›

This is just one of 27 concepts that we go through in the Maneuvering and Docking a Sailboat Under Power course



In the course we explain every wind and forward-backing situation that you will encounter in a marina. If you’ve ever thought about taking a bareboat sailing vacation OMG you need this course. Learning to do a Mediterranean mooring in a marina in Greece with your whole crew and every one on the docks watching is going to be embarrassing to the tune of more than the cost of this course. OR imagine how expensive it is to ding your boat and someone else’s – just because the wind took over instead of you maintaining control.

We cover propwalk – how it occurs and how to take advantage of it.

We also provide you with a printable PDF or 27 different exercises that you take out to the boat  and practice each exercise. At the end of about 3 hours, you’ll be an expert. Take a friend with you and make it a fun day out.

The course is also available in iPad format as well – just go to our sailing apps page

docking a sailboat ibook

docking a sailboat ibook

Learn everything you need to know about maneuvering your boat in a marina (where most accidents occur) by taking this course NOW!


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on March 29th, 2023