How to dock a sailboat

Here’s a fun suggestion – grab a sandwich, a few drinks and a mate (with a boat if you don’t have one) on a sunny windy day and get out to the boat with your new found maneuvering under power skills from our Maneuvering Under Power Course. Gingerly take the boat away from the marina and then both of you start working through and mastering the exercises one by one. If you’ve both got boats – try the exercises on each other boats. It’ll make a FUN day out and improve your friendship. Good idea? Of course it is – we thought of it!

This month we’re focusing on our Maneuvering Under Power Course. If you’ve already taken this course, you’ll know the confidence it gives you in the marina and thanks btw for all your positive reviews. Also then, please tell your friends about this course via the referrals discussion below.

Docking a SailboatIf you’ve not taken this course whether you own a boat or not, it’s something that we think is A MUST. In the marina is where you are being watched the most and where you can do the most damage – especially if there is an unfavorable wind direction and strength. It’s not the place to be practicing or hoping.

We’ve had students take this course where they were originally very timid in maneuvering around the marina to a point where they are now CONFIDENT with a 40 knot cross wind. The course is THAT POWERFUL. HOW can that be? You say, especially because it’s an online course? Here is what we do in this course. We give you all the theory about what is happening especially in cases of prop walk etc., we tell you what will happen to the boat in different wind conditions so that when you’re out there nothing is going to be a surprise. You’ll know that if you poke your nose in that dock lane under X wind conditions then Y IS going to happen to your boat etc. We cover all the scenarios in detail – THEN we give you 27 different exercises and have you do them yourself on the water in your boat or a mates boat – BUT not in the marina  – NO – you do them around a floating buoy out where you can’t do any damage. The key is .. to do all these exercises. They cover just about every scenario you’ll come across.

By the end of the course, you’ll feel CONFIDENT to back a boat into a slip in a 40 knot cross wind. Yes indeed!

docking a sailboat ibook

docking a sailboat ibook


If you don’t own a boat – you DEFINITELY need this course as well. Why? Because one day you’re going to need this skill and it’s going to be under the most pressure of situations. For example, the Captain has broken his arm or has become incapacitated. The last thing you want to do is bugger his boat up too and have to tell him when he wakes up in hospital.

Become an expert at docking – take the $39 Maneuvering Under Power course. Compare $39 to the cost of one gel coat scratch and you’ll see the value. Or compare $39 to dock side snickering from by-standers.

You can also get the Maneuvering Under Power iBook for $12.99. The test is not included and you’ll need to pass the test to add this course to your Sailing Certification accepted by Yacht Charter companies worldwide.

So take us up on the fun suggestion – call a mate and get out on your boat

The Maneuvering Under Power course is discounted when you invest in the Bareboat Charter Master Bundle of Courses.

Invest in yourself, your boat, your friend’s boat and the Maneuvering Under Power Course now!


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on June 29th, 2022