Press Release: Social Proof for Sailing School Instructors

On-line product reviews are in demand these days by consumers prior to making a purchase. A recent Nielsen report stated that forty-nine percent of online shoppers said they trusted consumer opinions posted online.

Investing your time, money and well-being in a professional sailing school instructor is serious business. So wouldn’t it be great to know what other students thought about the sailing instructor you’re about to choose?

Now NauticEd Sailing School has stepped up to be the first to provide on-line reviews of sailing school instructors.

Sailing School Instructor feedback form

Sailing School Instructor feedback form

How On-Line Sailing Instructor Reviews Work

When a NauticEd student takes practical training from one of it’s hands-on sailing schools, the student now has the opportunity to rate their learning experience with the instructor. When the student logs back in to NauticEd after their hands-on learning experience, a popup window appears. Sailing Instructors are rated on: Teaching Ability, Depth of Knowledge, Friendliness, Condition of the Vessel and their Professionalism. If the review is negative, the instructor has the opportunity to contact the student and resolve any issue. The student can then edit their review.

To view other student reviews of instructors, the browser clicks on the Sailing Schools link on the NauticEd website and then selects the sailing school in the Country, State or Province of their choice. There, each affiliated sailing school has a webpage where there is a listing of all the instructors associated with that sailing school. Each profile of the instructor shows a friendly photo, their contact information, their instructor credentials, their specialty and all of the past reviews by other students.

Instructors: Download the Instructors PDF here

The NauticEd Digital Sailing Certification

Each NauticEd student’s Sailing Certification is held digitally online. It displays all the online theory courses passed by the student as well as practical experience and practical school training. When a student completes their practical proficiency exam on the water, the sailing school instructor logs in, securely locates their student and then clicks on the “Proficient” button. This updates the student’s Sailing Certification instantly and also posts against the student’s sailing resume. Both can be reviewed by charter companies worldwide on-line, given a secret logbook code from the student.

Grant Headifen, Director of Education for NauticEd says that their professional Sailing Schools are serious about quality but for them it’s hard to be recognized and stand out for providing such quality. Now, potential sailing school students doing their online shopping research will more than likely choose a school with this form of social proof giving NauticEd Sailing Schools the competitive edge.

Check our sailing instructors.



  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on July 11th, 2022