NauticEd Sailing Vacations

Getting to Know the NauticEd Sailing Vacations Yacht Charter Agents

Are you dreaming of an unforgettable sailing vacation but not sure where to start? Meet the team at NauticEd Sailing Vacations, where passion for sailing meets unparalleled expertise in creating tailor-made charter experiences. Let’s dive into the world of sailing with Lauren and Emily—NauticEd Sailing Vacation’s three charter agents whose love for the sea and dedication to exceptional service sets NauticEd apart from the rest.

NauticEd Vacations Agent Lauren

Lauren’s Expertise: With a background rooted in the joy of travel, Lauren brings a unique perspective to the NauticEd team. Her love for vacations intersects seamlessly with sailing as her life partner is Grant Headifen, founder and education director of NauticEd.  From the Aeolian Islands to the beaches of the BVI, Lauren’s favorite destinations reflect the diverse beauty of the sailing world.

Nauticed Vacations Agent Emily

Emily’s Journey: For Emily, joining the sailing vacation industry was a serendipitous blend of passion and opportunity. After retiring early, she sought a way to merge her love for sailing with part-time work. Introduced to the world of chartering by Grant and Lauren, Emily found her calling as a charter agent and certified NauticEd Instructor. Her most cherished sailing memory–that exhilarating moment rounding Tortola’s west end, where wind and water combined to make her feel truly alive.

What Sets NauticEd Sailing Vacations Apart?

Let’s find out what the agents have to say:

Lauren: We take the time to curate bespoke sailing vacations for each client, offering personalized attention and a wealth of collective knowledge. We prioritize our clients’ goals and ensure they have the best yacht and experience for their trip.

Emily: When you charter through NauticEd, you gain access to our combined knowledge and expertise. We’re not just about finding the cheapest yacht; we’re about finding the best yacht for your trip, with insights on destinations and charter companies you can trust.

Beyond Sailing

But the NauticEd team is more than just sailors. Emily finds joy in woodworking and mountain biking. As for Lauren, her life as a lawyer and mother of two keeps her busy, but she still finds time for gardening and interior design.

Bucket List Adventure

And what’s on their bucket lists? Lauren dreams of small boat cruising down the Amazon and exploring Indonesia on a traditional wooden boat, while Emily longs for the crystal-clear waters of Greece.

Your Dream Charter Awaits

At NauticEd Sailing Vacations, every charter is a masterpiece, meticulously curated to fulfill your every desire. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a first-time adventurer, Lauren and Emily are here to guide you on a journey you’ll never forget. So, what are you waiting for? Your dream charter awaits!

You can research vacations and make an inquiry here, or email us at

Vacations Team Q&A

What inspired you to join the sailing vacation industry, and how did you become a part of NauticEd Sailing Vacations team?

Emily:  Early retirement and the search to find a way to do something part time with my passion of sailing.  I had no idea there was a way to get involved in the sailing industry this way.  Grant and Lauren introduced me to an entirely new side of sailing.  Being a charter agent, and now also a certified NauticEd Instructor, I get to connect wonderful humans with their dream charter boat and help design a vacation they will never forget.

Share a memorable experience from one of your sailing adventures or charters.  What made it special for you?

Emily:  The first time I rounded the west end of Tortola and entered the Sir Francis Drake Channel, that wind hit the sails perfectly putting us on a hard heel.   Water coming up over the sides made us all feel alive and so grateful to be spending that moment on a sailboat.   Even though I’d been sailing for many years prior tot that experience, it was this moment that sunk its teeth into my soul and made sailing a part of me.

What sets NauticEd Sailing Vacations apart from other yacht charter agencies?  How do you ensure your clients have an exceptional experience?

Lauren:  We really take the time to make a curated and bespoke sailing vacation for each client.  We’re extremely customer oriented, passionate about being a guide to the process, and very particular to details.  Whether you’re new to chartering or have done it a thousand times, we treat you – and your vacation – as our own and strive to make it meet every one of your goals.

Emily:  When a client charters through NauticEd, they get access to the collective knowledge of all of us.  Between the charter agents, we’ve been to almost every sailing destination in the world.  We don’t help our clients find the cheapest yacht; we help them find the best yacht for their trip.  We know which charter companies to stay away from, and why.  Feel free to ask us, we will tell you the truth!

Share a bit about your background in sailing.

Emily:  I’ve been sailing on and off since 2006, after falling in love with the idea of sailing from a book I read.  I took the standard long weekend, get certified bootcamp type sailing classes that left my mind spinning with memorized information.  I bought my first sailboat and hired a private captain to fill in the many gaps and a debilitating fear of heeling.  After four years playing around the bays of the Corpus Christi area, I sold the boat and took a break from sailing.  In 2019, some friends got me on a charter in BVI…. That did it.  Since then, I’ve sailed BVI multiple times, Grenada up through St. Vincent, San Blas Archipelago, Panama coast and canal, and from Portland, Maine to Norfolk, Virginia.  I’m proud to say that today I am a NauticEd Sailing Instructor.

Lauren:  Interestingly, my background is more in vacations.  I’ve been an avid traveler since I was a child where every break and every summer I would travel with my family to Europe, the Middle East and beyond.  In high school, I  spent a summer in Panama and in college, I often spent summers in Trinidad and Tobago.  I am the life partner of Grant, founder and director of NauticEd, so sailing of course plays a large role in our daily lives.  He focuses on the sailing, and I tend to enjoy the sailing lifestyle.

What is your favorite sailing destination?

Lauren:  The Aeolian Islands of Sicily.  It’s perfect for a yacht charter with (relatively) uncrowded anchorages/marinas, short distances between islands, a perfect number of isles for charter, and a variety of on and off shore activities.  Each island was different and offered unique experiences:  snorkeling underwater fumeroles in Lisca Bianca, customer sandals in Panarea, mud bathing in Vulcano, hiking Stromboli while it was actively exploding, Malvasia wine in Salina….and so much more!

Emily:  Hands down, my favorite destination in Grenada!  I love kicking off a sailing vacation with a nice long sail, then landing on one of the most beautiful and idyllic islands in the Caribbean—Sandy Island off of Carriacou.  From there, it’s one beautiful stop after another all the way up to Tobgao Cay.  From local beach BBQ’s, to snorkeling with a dozen turtles, to reefs that go on and on….this stretch of the world is my favorite place!

Favorite Boat Recipe?

Lauren:  Shakshuka!  Shakshuka is an easy to make egg dish that can be served as breakfast, lunch, snack, or dinner.  It’s essentially poached eggs in a seasoned sauce with local veggies.  It’s adaptable to a variety of spices depending on your sailing destination—so you can make it Mediterranean with mint/dill and feta, or Caribbean with red pepper and cumin.

Other Hobbies ?

Emily:  My second love, or loves, is woodworking and mountain biking…or maybe whitewater kayaking and gardening.  Oh my, I love so many things.  Lol!

Lauren:  I am a practicing lawyer and have two children—both of which keep me too busy for too many hobbies.  I enjoy reading, writing, gardening, interior design, and being outside!

Bucket List Trip?

Lauren:  Sailing Turkey via a luxury gulet, or exploring Indonesia on a traditional wooden boat

Emily:  Greece chartering



  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on August 17th, 2024