Skipper (Small Boat) Certification Rank

New Sailing Certification Rank – Skipper (small boat)

By popular demand we have now introduced a new sailing certification rank call Skipper (small boat). The changes are now live on the site.

This new rank takes into account that many students don’t have access to time on larger (28 ft – 8.4 m ) boats but should still get  the recognition they deserve. So here are the requirements:


  • Sailing Courses:
    • Skipper Course
    • Maneuvering Under Power
  • Level 1:
    • 10 days on the water
    • 50% of these days must be on a sailboat as master of the vessel
    • 50% of these days must be on a sailboat 20 ft  (6 m) or greater in length
    • OR replace all above with 4 days on the water with Instructor proficiency verification digital sign off (ask your instructor to digitally sign your NauticEd Logbook).
  • Level II:
    • 25 days on the water
    • 50% or more of these days must be on a sailboat as master of the vessel
    • 50% or more of these days must be on a sailboat 20 ft  (6 m) or greater in length
  • Level III:
    • 50 days on the water
    • 50%  or more of these days must be on a sailboat as master of the vessel
    • 50% or more of these days must be on a sailboat 20 ft  (6 m) or greater in length
  • Level IV:
    • 100 days on the water
    • 50% or more of these days must be on a sailboat as master of the vessel
    • 50% or more  of these days must be on a sailboat 20 ft  (6 m) or greater in length
  • Level V:
    • 200 days on the water
    • 50% or more  of these days must be on a sailboat as master of the vessel
    • 50% or more  of these days must be on a sailboat 20 ft  (6 m) or greater in length
Sailing Certification Progress

Sailing Certification Progress

You’ll notice that we have introduced the ability to gain level I faster by getting sign off as practically proficient by a NauticEd affiliated instructor. i.e. You don’t have to be Master of the vessel here when being instructed by a professional sailing instructor. We have also introduced this for the full Skipper Level I Rank.

There is nothing you need to do to receive this new rank other than make sure that your electronic logbook is up to date. If your master and boat size time qualify, you’ll automatically be upgraded.

Login Now to fill out your electronic logbook. Go to teh experience tab and click on enter your sailing history.

The Sailing Certification, FAQ-Sailing Certificate pages have been updated accordingly. We’re working on  the NauticEd Sailing Certification video to reflect these changes.

Additionally, the new progress bar shown above will show your progress towards ranks and levels. This student, for example has meet the requirements for Skipper (small boat) having sailed a minimum of 50 days – 25 at least of which were master of the vessel and 25 at least were on a vessel 20 ft (6 m) or greater and taken both the Skipper course and the Maneuvering Under Power course. They have been checked out by an instructor as shown by the verified proficiency checkbox.

Congratulations if you are the recipient the new Skipper (small boat) Rank. Well Done!


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on March 29th, 2023