Useful instructions for NauticEd Users

Make sure you like us on facebook to stay up with all the cool things we do (look to the right over there —–> )

Watch this video as soon as you have signed up with NauticEd

If you already saw this one, continue down below.

We pieced together the training of how NauticEd works in byte size chunks. Thus when you have finished here go back to How NauticEd Works or Jump to Day 2 training.

Watch our Day 1 Training video

At any time you can return to your NauticEd logged in page and click on How NauticEd Works marco button to access the links to other videos.


This is the content of the first email to new students to help them navigate the features of the NauticEd Sailing Education website.

Here we’ll cover a few simple things that will simplify your NauticEd experience and provide more enjoyment.

But first watch our informative and slightly entertaining video introducing NauticEd. It will give you a good summary of the next few introductory emails. (There is audio attached so if you’re in the office, turn your volume down a little).

FREE Courses, Games and Applications

Make sure you check out all the FREE stuff going on at NauticEd.

Nano Forums

Nano-Forums represent a huge investment in eLearning technology. On each page of each course you will see “SeaTalks”. This is where you ask and answer questions about content on that specific page. If you’re slighyl confused about something – ask a question to the community there. If you know the answer to a question answer it. Got a comment – make it. You get Social contributor points and work towards your expert Contributor Status each time you post and if your answer is liked by many you earn even more points.

Watch the Video and read more about Nano-Forums here

Return Anytime You Desire:

After you’ve registered for any NauticEd course or course, please remember you can return as many times as you like to review and re-review the course and then take the test as many times as you like. Often, we add new functionality and information to a course and you get the benefit of this for all time for FREE.

Fill out your profile:

You’ll see this at the top right. Your fully accredited NauticEd Sailing Certification and Resume reflects your educational accomplishments with NauticEd, your boating experience and certifications with other certifying bodies and schools. Please ensure you fill out your profile to 100% so that your downloadable certificate accurately reflects your name and other information. Privacy notice – we don’t share your information with any third party.

Start Adding your Past Experience

Fill out your sailing experience history in the Sailor’s Logbook under the Logbook Marco Button. This reflects in your FREE sailing resume and certification and helps you build levels within your NauticEd Sailing Certification. More on this tomorrow.

Sign in Information:

You can always change your sign in information under your profile tab when you sign in. If you forget your password there is a handy forgot password tool on the signin page.

We sincerely hope that you enjoy your NauticEd experience. Our mission is to provide you with affordable, accessible and entertaining boating education so that you continuously enjoy your sailing experiences.

Tomorrow we’ll discuss the NauticEd Certification and show you how to create you own promotion code to get discounts and free NauticEd courses. (Sneak peak: go to the referrals tab when you login).

Jump to Day 2 ]

[ return to How NauticEd Works ]

Until then – fair winds,

Grant Headifen
Educational Director


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on July 14th, 2022