Day 2 of useful instructions for new students

This is the day 2  introduction to NauticEd sailing school. Watch the video and/or read the text below.


This is the content of the day 2 email of 6 in your introduction to NauticEd.

Today we’ll discuss the NauticEd Sailing Certification and show you how to get discounts off NauticEd courses or even get them for free using the our social media program.

Get Discounts and Free NauticEd Courses

Login now
 and go to the Gifts Macro Button. Follow the simple instructions to create your own promotion code. Send the promotion code to everyone and anyone you know that is interested in sailing. You can even post the promocode on your facebook wall right from that page or tweet it out. However you do it – make your promotion code known.

When others use your promotion code they get $15 off their first introductory course to NauticEd and you get to accumulate $10 each time some one uses your code. But hurry because if they use someone else’s, they can’t use yours.

About the NauticEd Sailing Certification

NauticEd provides Sailing Education and Certifications to the sailing and boating world. The NauticEd Sailing Certification is accepted by the world’s largest Charter Companies like:

  • The Moorings,
  • Sunsail,
  • Kiriacoulis,
  • BVI Yacht Charters,
  • Sailing New Zealand,
  • The Catamaran Company,
  • Gulf Charters Thailand
  • Dream Yacht Charters
  • etc etc.

View our video of the NauticEd sailing certification

Update to that video information: We now require the Anchoring course and the Electronic Navigation course to be passed to be awarded the Bareboat Charter Master Rank. I don’t think anyone would argue with that requirement considering the number of charterers we have seen dragging anchor in the middle of the night and that every charter boat nowdays is fitted with a chart plotter – and that everyone has a gps device in their pocket.

Our Sailing Certification Works as Follows:

The Certification is based on 4 Ranks and 5 Levels within each rank.
Ranks are Qualified Crew – Skipper – Bareboat Charter Master – Captain. They are based on the theory education and passing grade the student has attained as well as a required minimum level of experience.

Levels reflect the days-on-the-water experience that a student has logged in the FREE NauticEd online logbook. An algorithm in the NauticEd software calculates the level awarded based on size of the sailing vessel and whether the student was master or crew on the vessel.

All students automatically start out as “Crew”
Students then begin to take online theory courses. To gain the Rank of “Qualified Crew” the student must take and pass either the Qualified Crew Member Course,  the Skipper Course or the RYA Day Skipper Course plus have a minimum of 10 qualifying days out on the water or 4 days with a professional instructor.


To gain the Rank of “Skipper“, the student must take and pass the Skipper Course (or the RYA Day Skipper Course) AND the Maneuvering Under Power Course. The Skipper must then have a minimum of 10 qualifying days out on the water to achieve Level I (or 4 days out with an instructor).

A student may be awarded a Skipper – Small boat Rank if their experience does not match the 28 foot (9m) requirement  for boat size.


To graduate to the Rank of a “Bareboat Charter Master“, the Student must in addition to the Skipper Rank requirement, complete the Bareboat Charter Course, the Coastal Navigation Course, the Electronic Navigation Course and the Anchoring a Sailboat Course. A Bareboat Charter Master can not have less than 50 days of qualifying experience on the water.

To further graduate to a “NauticEd Captain“, the student must then additionally take the Weather, Sail Trim, Storm Tactics and the Safety at Sea Courses. A NauticEd Captain can not have less than 50 days of qualifying experience on the water.

The NauticEd software will automatically take care of calculating your rank at any time.

Levels are defined according to the following schedule:

  • Level I is 10 days qualifying experience on the water.
  • Level II is 25 days qualifying experience on the water.
  • Level III is 50 days qualifying experience on the water.
  • Level IV is 100 days qualifying experience on the water
  • Level V is 200 days qualifying experience on the water.

Qualifying days are based on an algorithm, which ensures that the majority of the experience is performed as the Master of a sailing vessel larger than 28 ft.

You can get more information on attaining levels here:

Because the NauticEd certification is based on theory knowledge and practical experience, it thus follows the same requirements that most countries place on an official license. For example the United States Coast Guard requires 360 days of practical experience on the water to be eligible for a Captain’s license.

It follows then that most charter companies world wide recognize and are happy to accept the NauticEd certification of Bareboat Charter Master Level III as a prerequisite to chartering one of their boats. In the Mediterranean however, you will need the International Certificat of Competency (the ICC). See the RYA Day Skipper course to achieve that License.

You can begin growing your Sailing Certification now for free by filling out your history of sailing experience under the experience tab when you login to NauticEd.

Tomorrow we’ll discuss how to fill out your boating experience and our FREE iPhone App that allows you to update your sailing resume on the fly (erh we mean on the dock).

Jump to Day 3 ]

Return to How NauticEd Works ]

Until then – fair winds,

Grant Headifen
Director of Education

the Skipper Course or the RYA Day Skipper Course

return to How NauticEd Works ]


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on July 6th, 2022