Why do an electronic sailors Logbook?

We recently were copied on an email from a school to one of our students that was encouraging a sailor to fill out their paper sailor’s logbook.

Paper? Really? – Actually I think it was really only because there was no understanding that an electronic 21st century thinking has been applied to sailing logbooks.

Here is our response back


Just to clarify the electronic sailor’s logbook.

The NauticEd logbook is extremely important. All charter companies no matter what your certification require a sailing resume when you charter from them. When you keep your NauticEd electronic logbook updated you are building automatically with NauticEd your resume of experience. At anytime you login you can click on your online sailor’s Resume and it shows you everything you have done and entered. All your courses, all your experience, all your school signoff’s and all your other certifications including your ICC (International Certificate of Competence).

This is in the format that Charter companies like. Every yacht Charter company accepts our electronic Resume.

On top of all that – our free iOS app allows you to update your logbook on the dock after a day of sailing.

We encourage you to use this system – plus at anytime in the future you can print out a hard copy if ever needed but who uses paper these days?

And another on top is that you can authenticate your logbook with our CrewMates system. You add CrewMates to your profile – then when you sail with them they can authenticate the outing. This is a very powerful system that Charter Companies like because of the Authentication to your entries. i.e. that are not just “Made Up”.

To send your resume to a Yacht Charter Company just give them your email address and your secret “logbook code”. The charter company goes to www.nauticed.org/student_verification – they enter those details and there is your resume for them to print out or file electronically. Job Done. (Go there now and see the example student).

Cheers All


Save a tree – use the NauticEd electronic Logbook – OH … IT’S FREE

Start your sailor’s logbook now – go to www.nauticed.org/signin – set up a FREE account and go to the logbook tab. It’s free – free – free.

Watch our video on a sailing certification versus a sailing resume.


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on July 5th, 2022