Logbook Authentication by Crew Mates

Crew Mates Authentication ™


You now have the optional ability to digitally authenticate your logbook via your crew mates. The value of this is enormous and exciting. In the old paper days, people had the captain of their ship sign their paper logbook for sea time. In commercial situations, this still exists. Pilots do it also. But until now it has not been practical for a recreational sailor to keep a logbook and have it authenticated with a signature and then save it and mail it when requested. Charter Companies have always needed to rely upon the honesty of the client when they fill out their resume. And until now there was no other solution to be confident of a stated sailing resume.

In the digital age, with a little bit of code (actually a lot) an authenticated logbook becomes as easy as a click of the mouse.



Here is how the new NauticEd Authenticated Logbook works. First, you set up your Crew Mates using our Crew Mate tool. These can be either other NauticEd students or not. When you make an entry into your logbook online you simply (and optionally) select who you were out on the boat with. This then generates an auto email to your Crew Mates and asks them inside the email to do one click for authentication. If the Crew Mate is already a NauticEd student, then their logbook is also updated and authenticated. The authentication is optional of course – but with it being this easy for the student to build a fully authenticated logbook it becomes incredibly valuable – and sort after.

This is a revolutionary resume verification system for yacht charter companies now. For years people have asked how true really is the student’s logbook. The authenticity now is beyond question. You’ll have a fully authenticated logbook digitally signed by dozens of different people. Your experience is unrefutable.

NOTE: Your crew mates will not be spammed. Only one email is sent asking them if they want to help you out. If they say no – that is the end of it. If they say yes, they are only sent an email if you ask to authenticate and even then only one email max is sent per week. In that email, they can AUTHENTICATE ALL if there is more than one entry to authenticate. 

If there are no authentication requests they don’t get any emails. At any time they can opt-out. We don’t use this as marketing to them – although honestly, we do in the first email let them know that they can have a free logbook if they choose. We don’t market our courses to them. We respect your crew mates.


Now  take a look at elements of the full NauticEd Sailing Certification and you’ll see why Yacht Charter Companies Revere at clients who show up with a NauticEd Sailing Certification

  • Extensive online theory courses with interactive animations and video providing a real educational experience.
  • Digital Logbook of sea-time
  • Authenticated sea-time via people who were actually on the vessel
  • Behavioral badges depicting real practical good boater activities
  • Digital Sign off by an on-the-water testing instructor
  • Cloud-based internet verification of certification

Get started now by logging in and setting up your Crew Mates. Then start adding real sailing days to your logbook and click the authenticate buttons. Your crew will respond and automatically authenticate their days as well.

Like us on Facebook if you think this is a great idea.

Oh and the Cost? FREE




  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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1 reply
  1. Director of Education
    Director of Education says:

    Student Question
    On Aug 26, 2014, at 8:26 AM, D… wrote:

    I am trying to fill out my log book with the sailing experience I’ve had in the past.
    Does each individual day of my sailing past have to recorded separately ?
    For example, I crewed a sailing boat for 10 days in 2012. Do I have to enter each days activities inc
    sea miles, wind etc to get ‘credit’ for it?

    As I didn’t keep a sailing log at the time, it’s not easy to remember everything we did and therefor I can’t be totally sure of the information.

    Please advise,

    Thanks and regards,

    D… S…


    Hi D…

    It’s a good question.

    We follow the US Coast Guard format where each day must be logged.

    Albeit we are considering an upgrade which would allow you to say you went sailing for 10 days starting this day which would auto create the entry. But that will be a while.

    In the meantime – yes you need to make an entry for 1 day each. However, you will notice that the system copies the last entry and readies the new entry with the same data – all you need to do is change the date by one which makes entries into your logbook extremely fast. It is quick quick. I recommend that if over 10 days you did 200 miles of sailing then your just average 20 miles per day. Again the entry code will remember this. Some parts of the entry are optional anyway which do not need to be filled in which also speeds your entries.

    Regarding memory – we recommend that you just make an honest attempt at days you can not specifically remember. This is exactly the reason for the logbook – to store that for you to create an accurate history of your experience. Also, if you get the days authenticated by CrewMates then that adds to the credibility of your memory and vastly strengthens your resume in the eyes of charter companies.

    I would estimate that the extra nine entries would take about an extra 2 minutes. Not to trivialize your time however – we’re all busy and that is why we are considering the upgrade.

    Thanks so much for the excellent question



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Last updated on March 29th, 2023