Maneuvering a Sailboat out of a Tight Slip

Using Spring Lines to Help Maneuver in Crosswind Situations

This example is from NauticEd’s Maneuver and Dock Your Sailboat Under Power Course. In that course, there are dozens of other tips and instruction for challenging docking situations. Docking does not need to be stressful or embarrassing (most sailors appreciate seeing people scrambling on the docks to assist an out-of-control sailboat). Instead, the ‘cool’ factor is when people are watching you expertly and confidently maneuvering your boat (or a charter boat) around in a tight marina with high winds. Take the NauticEd Maneuvering Under Power Course online or read it in print at Amazon.

How would you maneuver a sailboat out of this tight slip?

Notably without a bow thruster.  Well, of course you would use a spring line, but which one?

In the following situation (a common one): you’re in a very tight marina with little maneuvering room, and there’s a strong opposing crosswind that will prevent you from simply turning out of the slip.  Which spring line would you use: 1, 2, or 3? (click the numbers on the diagram for the answers).

Spring Line Explanation

When planning to maneuver a sailboat out of a tight slip, you’re considering several forces and moments:

  • What are the obstacles and/or space to maneuver? Answer: A tight marina and fairway with no room to maneuver with other options (like backing into the wind).
  • How is wind and current going to affect the boat? Answer: current’s not a factor, but the crosswind is going to “blow off” your bow until you can gain enough speed to overcome it.
  • What to do with the rudder? Answer: you’ll use the rudder to move forwards and turn out of the slip, but you’ll need a spring line assist to overcome the crosswind.
  • Whether to use a spring line, and if so where to place the spring line? Answer: Using an amidships spring line is the best solution!

In the above example, the amidships spring line will keep the boat tight in the turn around the end of the slip. Effectively, it provides enough distance (X) between the rudder force and the spring line’s force to create an effective turning moment into the crosswind.  After rounding the corner: release the spring line (quickly), straighten the rudder, and you’ll have enough forward momentum (especially water flow over the keel and rudder) to keep the bow into the wind.

Maneuvering a sailboat out of a tight slip | Using an amidships springline to maneuver a sailboat
Maneuvering and Docking Under Power

Learn more from NauticEd’s Maneuver and Dock Your Sailboat Under Power Course, available online or in print at Amazon.


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on June 29th, 2022