Warren Brown

Private Instructor – New Zealand

Meet Sailing Instructor Warren Brown

New Zealand is one of the top places in the world to sail. Beaches, Islands, anchorages, wind, and fishing are the best of the best. The summer sailing season is quite short. Generally, January, February, and March are the best months. New Zealand is also an amazing training area with approximately 8-foot (2.5m) tide and gnerally year round good winds. If you are training with a New Zealand born Instructor, you know you are in good hands.

I have been sailing since 1996, first as a crewmember and then as a skipper. In 2008, I launched my own 38ft catamaran and have been sailing her in the beautiful Hauraki Gulf and beyond since. The more I see and discover in our kiwi ocean, the more I am impressed with our beautiful country. I am passionate about sailing and the environment. In 2019, I passed my commercial skipper’s ticket (srl24). I take great joy in showcasing the gulf and watching my students grow in confidence as they learn the pleasure of sailing. Come and join me for an amazing adventure.

Kirkland Sailing Club, Kirkland Washington

Warren Brown

Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m a mad keen sailor. I’m also passionate about the environment and protecting my favorite cruising grounds. I Love showcasing the Hauraki Gulf and also exploring new cruising grounds. I also enjoy fishing swimming and snorkeling

See Warren’s full bio ›

Warren Brown Sailing Instructor

Keelboats -or- Catamarans?


Local Sailing -or – Racing – or – Coastal/Charter Vacations – or – Deep Blue?

Chill Cruiser

What’s your “Style” of sailing?

Deep Blue and Beyond

What got you into sailing?

Living in New Zealand there is such a natural force to go sailing because of our oceans. In my mid forties, I broke loose and made a commitment to myself to get started – I have not looked back.

What does sailing do (or has done) for you?

Personally, I have seen myself grow in confidence and general life happiness because of sailing. Being a sailing coach adds another dimension to this because I see what it does for others – and that to me is fulfillment.

Most memorable sailing experience?

My first offshore adventure as a skipper was from New Zealand to the Whitsundays in Australia and back. I’ll never forget that experience.

What are a couple of your favorite sailing spots?

The Hauraki Gulf in New Zealand with all its islands and beaches is one but equal to that with a different type of experience are the islands around Vanuatu in the Pacific.

What’s your favorite part about teaching sailors?

Watching their confidence grow as the theory knowledge learned transforms into competent sailing skills.

What advice would you give a new student about sailing?  An experienced sailor?

Take your time and learn your skills. It will serve you well. Actually, that applies to anything in life really.

What is a random fact about yourself?

I’m a qualified engineer who is now semi-retired and enjoying the heck out of life.

What’s on your sailing ‘bucket list’?

Exploring more of the amazing Pacific Ocean


Learn more about Warren Brown›


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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