NASA Engineer Endorses NauticEd

Here is a recent email from one of our students who happens to be a NASA Engineer.

NASA engineer Learns To Sail

Dear NauticEd,

A few weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to skip the rat race and live on a sailboat here in Florida.  Logic would lead one to conclude that a class on how to operate such a vessel was in order.  Stated, I sought out the most traditional yacht certification for our area here in Florida.  I was placed on a waiting list for the basic sailing course for a couple weeks and told to read a book in the meantime. I became a little impatient; so I began looking for sailing instruction resources.  By chance, I found NauticEd.

The knowledge from my NauticEd courses allowed me to easily pass the theory portion of the traditional type certification offered by the “other” organization, plus I’d learned a few things from NauticEd that the instructors themselves did not; in particular, fine trimming of the sails using the fairleads which I learned from NauticEd’s free Basic Sail Trim Course.  Also, the Maneuvering Under Power course made me more competent about how to handle my boat in a tight slip, both coming and going; something the other course from the traditional sailing book did not supply.

In short, NauticEd is a resource for folks that wish to master the art of sailing, not just receive a traditional keelboat certification.  If you want to know the science behind sailing and to know exactly how to deal with other such things as diesel engine failures, their courses are for you.  I truly believe NauticEd has made me a better sailor.

My only wish is that the school I went to here on the east coast of Florida was a NauticEd Practical School so that my electronic logbook could be officially signed by a NauticEd trained instructor.

Thanks Again!


Our Response back to John



We appreciate the kudos. Being a trained engineer myself and having worked on several defense projects (some of which I can’t talk too much about), I also appreciate the time you spent with us on the phone and the discussions of how velocity vectors explain the concepts of boat speed, true wind speed, apparent wind speed, and the relative directions. And I’ve definitely pulled a few engines apart in my life, last was my MGB which was spread all over the garage floor. I’m an author on some of the courses but for some of the more offshore courses we brought in the real expertise of those who have tens of thousands of miles under their keel. Some of those courses, however, I had to funny up a little to make them more engaging. Plus I was able to oversee many of the animations that explain the concepts. Trying to explain sailing to an animator was a decent challenge but it was achieved.

We are very proud of the quality and depth of our courses.


Grant Headifen
Global Director of Education

NauticEd International Sailing Education


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on July 8th, 2022