Yacht Club Sailing Vacation Booking Assistance

NauticEd Assists Yacht Clubs With Sailing Vacation Reservations

Booking a Sailing Vacation can be an arduous task. Searching for the best deals, ensuring the boats go out of the same marinas, collecting and accounting for all the funds, international wiring funds, making sure all the skipper’s resumes and licenses are up to date and acceptable by the yacht charter company and port authorities, and ensuring the yacht charter company is reputable can all take hours and hours (and hours) of work.

NauticEd’s Yacht Charter booking service agency can make all this professionally organized and seamless without any additional cost. In fact, many times we save the client money because we can search for better and more appropriate – less expensive boats.

In addition, NauticEd will work with yacht clubs when booking multiple boats and can offer further discounts because of our relationships with yacht charter companies worldwide.

Special Prices for Yacht Club Members and Yacht Club Flotillas

Yacht Club Member Benefits

Present your yacht club membership to NauticEd when booking a sailing vacation and get $100 per hull off of your sailing vacation booking (ie; monohull bookings receive $100 discount; catamarans receive $200 discount, 2 catamarans received $400 discount, etc). Make your sailing vacation booking request here.

Yacht Club Affiliate Member Benefits

If your yacht club is an official NauticEd affiliate** there are additional discounts and benefits.

Yacht club members whose yacht clubs are official NauticEd affiliates receive 5%  off the boat charter price (in lieu of the $100 per hull).

Crew members on booked bookings through NauticEd will receive the NauticEd online Yacht Charter Crew course for free.

For NauticEd booking of Mediterranean charters where a sailing license is required, NauticEd will waive the International SLC license fee for each skipper of a booked yacht.

Yacht Club Flotilla Benefits

If a yacht club or yacht club member organizes 5 boats or more for a singular flotilla, members will receive 10 % off the boat charter price. In some cases, this can be 15% depending on the Charter company we book through.

Organizational Benefits for Yacht Club Flotillas

NauticEd are true experts at making bookings and organizing boats and skippers, as well as giving expert advice on global locations. Chances are we have been there ourselves personally.

We can provide a concierge service that includes:

  • Boat selection and suggestions
  • Yacht charter company vetting
  • Professional local crew (skipper/hostess – if needed)
  • Itinerary planning
  • Local flotilla leader – if needed
  • On-land excursion ideas
  • Bespoke adventures
  • Funds collection and distribution
  • Resume and licensing clearance

Yacht Clubs Sign-Up Here

Being a NauticEd affiliate is free for Yacht Clubs. It means the club can offer the above benefits to its members plus get additional benefits such as access to online courses, off-season racing with NauticEd’s Virtual Reality program, and International Sailing License assessment for its members.

Inquire about your club being an official affiliate: Email Us

Sign up for the Yacht Club Affiliate program here to gain these benefits for your club and members.


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on June 24th, 2023