The Plank and Sailing in Bora Bora

Sailing Vacation of a Lifetime

How to take the sailing trip of a lifetime

Mount Everest

Picture I took of Mount Everest

Last night I was telling a friend about trekking in Nepal a few years back and mid story it suddenly occurred to me the better part of the untold story. The main story – we hiked for 17 days on the trail and it was awesome. We were rewarded at the top of the trail at 18,000 ft of a most commanding view of Everest and the Himalayas on a beautiful clear and blue sky day. Whoof. What a life long story – BUT here’s the better part of the story. When we were given the opportunity to go, I had 1001 excuses that this was the wrong timing. I was launching NauticEd, running a major contract for another giant boating company and wrapping up the sale of another business – there was much to do. All in all it was to be a month of time off work. What was one to do? What would you do? The logical thing was to put it off, to do it “another” time.

If you’re a student of life and of time then you’ll know and understand that “another time” does not exist. Memories exist of the past and plans are made for the future but time only exists right now. No one says “what will be the time in 5 minutes from now?”

And so fortunately at the “time” of making this decision, I understood this. And so we went on a life experience never to be forgotten AND I now have stories to be told about the experience until time stops for me.

That was 6 years ago and I can absolutely tell you with out a doubt, that the month off did not make a difference. Nothing as important as being able to tell the story of trekking in the Himalayas would have ever happened in that month. In fact I can’t think of a single thing of how my life would have changed if I’d stayed and worked. No amount of money that could have been saved that was worth not having that memory. The credit card charges are paid off long ago.

But even now as I write this – it’s an interesting reflection because – what do I have? Based on that decision to go or not to go the only real difference is I have a story or I wouldn’t have a story. There is nothing else. I can say this with certainty however, it was amazing. If I’d stayed and worked – it would not have been amazing.

The question then to ask is – do I want to have an amazing life? The answer we give ourselves is proven by the actions that we take when opportunity arises. One thing we all know is that enough “now moments of time” are going to pass so that at some point there will not be any more moments left for us.

So the choice then about life is: “Stories or no stories? That is the choice.”

This is not to say that we shirk our responsibilities. But what I’m proposing is that when a story generating opportunity arises, GO FOR IT. Do it like this will never come about again because it probably won’t.

Stated very clearly then, there are no valid excuses to miss out on an adventure of a life time.

Taken to the next level – get this – last week I was having a discussion with a group of friends and my friend Mike said – I think my adventure of a life time this year will be to the Mediterranean. He was laughingly referring to the fact hat he takes an adventure of a life time every year. A few years back he took a boat trip from Argentina to the Antarctic, he’s now been on all seven continents of planet earth. And he’s got great stories and he is a good guy to hang with any time.

What has this got to do with sailing you’re perhaps asking? Well everything!!!!!

With NauticEd, you’re given an opportunity to gain the knowledge in your arm chair every night after the kids are in bed with 1 hour of free down time to work towards your Bareboat Charter Master Certification. We provide a road map for you via friend’s boats and yacht clubs to gain the proper practical experience. We provide access to sailing schools world wide to gain the practical verification stamp for your certificate. You can do this. And having achieved it – you could be chartering a sailboat in Tahiti/ Bora Bora, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean within the next year or two OR you could not. In either circumstance the next year or two is going to pass.

Our motivation here is genuine – we want to help you live your sailing dreams and, as related to this blog, your life dreams. We’re more than likely only one of a very few that are motivated to help you achieve this. Yes we get paid for it just like any other life coach but for the one time cost of the Bareboat Charter Master Certification and the value it represents I think you’re glad we’re pushing you to gain an achievement that represents yourself.

Now is the time to decide to put adventure permanently in your life or to leave it for another “time”.

Live Life. Get started completing your Bareboat Charter Master Sailing Certification today.

Click here to see if you think you may already qualify to charter a sailboat on a sailing vacation

Click here if you’re ready to book or make an inquiry about chartering a sailboat through our network of charter brokers

Here is our Bareboat Charter Master Bundle of sailing courses. Click on an image to view info about a course or click to the right of the image to view the next course.


Live Life. Get started completing your Bareboat Charter Master Sailing Certification today.


Sailing in Bora Bora

Planking on a Catamaran in Bora Bora


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on March 29th, 2023