Americas Cup 2021

For sure the NauticEd team will be in New Zealand in 2021 watching the Americas Cup. This is set to be another technology race. Hydrofoiling Monohulls – so very cool!

The idea is to combine speed with sailing skill via tacking duels; which makes this one of the most exciting races of all time.

You can watch the simulated race in the video below.

Speaking of tacking duels, do you know your rules of the nautical road? 100%? Do you really? Take our free online Navigation Rules course. It is mobile friendly. So the next time you’re stuck in the doctor’s office, instead of being forced to read the latest Alien Weapons Magazine or Bride Magazine, you can now brush up on your knowledge of nautical rules. You’re guaranteed to learn something useful or your money back.


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on February 1st, 2023