Boating Knowledge Base

Soon to be the World’s Largest Sailing Knowledge Base – we’re loading data daily

Have a sailing question? Access NauticEd’s entire sailing and boating knowledge base, and gain in-depth answers to your sailing questions.

Sailboats Under Power

A Sailboat Under Engine Power is a Power-Driven Vessel Rule 3(c) The term “sailing vessel” means any vessel under sail provided that propelling machinery...
August 30, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboats vs Sailboats Nav Rules

Sailboats On The Same Tack The Rule 12 a(ii) when both have the wind on the same...
August 24, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailing and Wind Forces

A sailboat moves in upwind and downwind directions. Downwind is intuitive; it just gets blown downwind. But just how does a sailboat move into the wind?
October 24, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailing Directions

Directions are super important because while sailing, you will always be in communication with others regarding directions of obstacles, wind changes, your destination, water current, and other boat traffic.
October 21, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailing Heave To

When you have successfully hove-to (heaved-to), your sailboat will be in a stable situation with the mainsail and headsail still up. Your forward speed will be minimal and...
October 12, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailing Personnel Emergencies

As the skipper of a vessel, you are expected to be able to handle situations thrust upon you at a moment’s notice. Many of these situations are boat-related issues, but there are also crew injury issues for which you should be prepared to assess and handle at least enough until professional assistance arrives.
October 16, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailing Safety Equipment

There is a plethora of equipment specially designed for a variety of emergencies at sea. Some are inexpensive...
October 16, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailing Safety Introduction

Emergencies at sea extend from simple and almost funny episodes to major challenges that are extremely serious.
October 19, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailing to a Mooring Ball

Sailing up to a mooring ball is an advanced skill. It will definitely prove your finesse for handling the boat and managing the crew.
April 13, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Sailing Vessel Preparation

Sometimes it is a good idea to get nasty stuff out of the way first as well as prepare your boat and crew.
October 25, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailing Wind Velocity & Direction

The faster the boat sails into the wind, the more the apparent wind speed increases and the more it feels like it is coming from the front of the boat. They say  "The apparent wind is forward of the true wind". This means the apparent wind feels like it comes from a more forward direction than the true wind.
October 19, 2023/by Grant Headifen


Sails are sophisticated objects. It is not only the materials they are made from that are important, but also, the way they are cut and sewn.
October 13, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sails – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat

We’re pretty certain here that you know how to operate sails on a sailboat,  however – chances are that you’re chartering a boat much bigger than you’re normally used to.
April 3, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Sea Anchor

Finally, there is something called a “sea anchor.” These can be a variety of devices used to slow down a vessel caught in high winds and turbulent seas.
October 13, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Seacocks – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat

Seacocks are designed to let water flow out of the hull safely. They are not one-way valves so any loose clamps around the seacock itself create leaks around the hoses and can allow water to enter into the boat. This is usually bad – right?
April 4, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Seamanship Nav Rules

Navigation rules refer many times to good seamanship, The best advice we can give here around seamanship is to get experience...
August 31, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Seasickness on a Bareboat Charter

Here is some education about sea sickness that can help you and your crew overcome it.
April 12, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Securing Your Sailboat

It is convenient to have dock lines that are pre-set to the right length with loops on the end and are permanently mounted onto the marina cleats. Now, when you return to the dock you simply slip the loops over your vessel cleats.
October 12, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Selecting an Anchoring Spot

Selecting an Anchoring Spot - Charts, both electronic and paper will tell you where the reliable anchoring spots are.
April 12, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Shore Power Connection

One of the more common sources of fire on a boat is a loose connection of the shore power to the receptacle plug on the stern of the boat.
October 22, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Showering on a Charter Boat

Charter boat guests use the showers not only for basic hygiene, but must also rinse off seawater after swimming to avoid nasty skin rashes (sailor’s sores). 
April 3, 2024/by Grant Headifen


A boat sits down in the water until it has displaced the same weight of water as the weight of the boat. It is a universal arrangement between boat and water...
October 25, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Some Navigation Rules Terminology

Understanding Navigation Rules begins with learning some basic Navigation Rules terminology...
August 23, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Spinning Propeller

As you sail along, the water flowing over your propeller will cause it to spin. Some sailboats are fitted with a special alternator that will create electricity...
October 13, 2023/by Grant Headifen
Last updated on August 17th, 2024