Boating Knowledge Base

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Safe Speed Nav Rule

The Rule Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can...
August 24, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sail TellTales

"Telltales" attached to the sail in strategic positions to "tell" us what the wind is doing at that exact location.
August 11, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sail Trim

While setting the sails to general rules of thumb will get you really close to a good sail set,
October 12, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sail Twist Basics

How can the wind direction be different between the top of the mast and the bottom?
August 17, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Balance

Below is an animation that shows the balance of forces: actually it is technically the balance of a concept called “moments.”
October 20, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Battery Charging

Like a water bucket, batteries have a specific storage capacity and must be refilled/recharged when their contents of energy are depleted.
October 20, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Battery Usage

Batteries are a vessel’s major source of power for many essential functions both when in the slip and while sailing.
October 20, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Design

Surely, the first sailboat was invented by a five-year-old child with a block of wood. He or she stuck a twig through a piece of animal skin and then down into a knothole in the wood.
October 24, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Diesel Closed Water System

The second sailboat cooling system fluid is called the closed or coolant water system.
October 23, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Diesel Engine

Thanks go to Mr. Rudolf Diesel who years ago in Germany cleverly invented an engine that today bears his name (luckily, they chose to use his last name)—the sailboat diesel engine.
October 21, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Diesel Engine Fluids

Diesel engines make use of a variety of fluids, including raw and coolant water, diesel fuel, and lubricating oil. A problem in the flow of any one of these fluids can cause problems...
October 22, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Diesel Engine Operation

As noted earlier, diesel engines are sturdy and highly reliable, and operating them today is straightforward.
October 14, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Diesel Water Systems

Diesel engines run hot because of high compression and therefore need to be cooled. Fortunately, ample cooling is readily available from the water the vessel is sailing in.
October 22, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Electrical Panels

The sailboat electrical panel, located at the navigation station, normally has two distinct and separately marked sections; one section is devoted to 110-volt or 220-volt AC power and...
October 13, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Engine and House Systems

Perhaps the most important use of DC power on a vessel is for starting the engine. Considerable power is needed for this task and if the engine does not start immediately...
October 19, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Fire Extinguishers and Requirements

Fire Extinguishers Fire Extinguishers are given a letter rating that matches the type of fire they will be battling.
October 13, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Gear and Throttle Controls

Sailboats, and boats in general, use their gears and throttle to control momentum. It’s unlike driving a car in that you have no brake! Instead, you use your forward and reverse gears and throttle to both increase and decrease speed...
May 22, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Generator or Large Battery Bank?

Dedicated electric generators on board sailboats are usually only reserved for large sailboats because of their weight and size. Unless there is a desire for large amounts of electricity...
October 23, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Inverters

Sailboat Inverters are devices used to convert 12-volt DC battery electricity to AC 110-volt or 220-volt electricity. Special electronics in
October 13, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Maneuvering Topics

With practice, wind direction and current direction are not too much of a problem. But what can get you into trouble is extremely high winds. Be prepared to change...
October 13, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Mooring Procedures

The procedure for tying to a mooring is theoretically very easy. You simply motor up and using a boat hook, grab the float and attach to it to your boat. It sounds simple but you will see many dismal failures when watching others try it.
October 23, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Running Rigging

A sailboat’s running rigging consists of those items controlling the sails and helping the sails to capture the wind’s energy.
October 18, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Solar Power

Solar panels produce DC power and are used to charge the batteries. A relatively small solar panel such as 1 square foot (0.1 m2) can produce about 1½ amps at...
October 24, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Sailboat Wind Power Generators

Wind-power generators are typically installed only on ocean-crossing vessels, where the vessel is away from the marina for extended periods of time and where there is a need for conserving onboard fuel.
October 23, 2023/by Grant Headifen
Last updated on August 17th, 2024