Boating Knowledge Base

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Names of Thingys in Sailing

There's a lot of terminology in sailing, and to get started with sail trim we recommend beginning with some key sailing "thingy" terms.
August 2, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Narrow Channels and Traffic Separation Schemes

Rules 9 and 10 deal with narrow channels and traffic separation schemes, and mainly refer to larger commercial traffic...
August 24, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Navigation Introduction

The history of navigation is fascinating and dates back to as many centuries as we can imagine.
October 15, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Navigation Tools

No matter the chart in use, the navigator’s work largely involves the determination of direction and distances. The most useful tools for actual chart work are...
October 25, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Navigation Units

Sailors are forever measuring stuff. This brings us to the subject of navigation units. As we all remember from the good ol’ school days, measurement is the process of comparing something with an established standard.
October 13, 2023/by Grant Headifen

NED Sailing Simulator

Before you play with NED, the sailing simulator, read this first. The graphic below is representative of a real wind meter on...
August 9, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Non-Electronic Communications

Sailing has been around for thousands of years. Electronic Communications has been around for less than 100 years (not counting the telegraph).
October 24, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Operating the Engine – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat

Many modern sailboats are equipped with integrated engine throttle and transmission shift systems; called the push-pull cabling system. 
April 5, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Overtaking Vessels

When overtaking another vessel, we quote the rules exactly because they are incredibly clear...
August 28, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Personal Flotation Devices

The terms “life jacket” and “PFD” are interchangeable, with the latter used in the USA and the former used in most of the rest of the world.
October 17, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Planning to use springlines when docking

Like a work of fine engineering, a spring maneuver requires a design. The key is to plan the maneuver by considering the wind, current, and other obstacles, then design the placement and directions of the forces and moments.
May 13, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Plumbing and Tankage – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat

A diaphragm pump below directs flow from the water tank(s) to various faucets throughout the boat. You'll always begin a charter with full water tanks but understand that water conservation is still required.
April 4, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Prop Walk Bests You

There is one situation where you are just going to have to suck it up, admit defeat, and work with the forces of nature.
June 9, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Propeller Entanglement

If there is a sudden slowing or stopping of the engine while motoring it is possible that you have picked up some floating line, hopefully not from your vessel.
October 17, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Propwalk – The Wash Lift effect

The wash-lift effect has been documented heavily by Dave Geer who is one of the worlds leading propeller engineers.
May 1, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Propwalk factors – The p factor

There are two combined reasons that work in unison to create propwalk.
May 16, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Raising the Alarm in Emergencies

A comprehensive list of how and the equipment used to raise the alarm in sailing emergencies
October 22, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Reefing the Sails

Before heading out, check forecasted wind conditions to see if you might need to reef at some point during the day. If so, make appropriate reefing preparations in the calm marina and ensure your crew knows the procedure.
October 12, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Responsibility between Vessels Nav Rules

Every vessel has a definition of being one and only one of the below at all times. And each vessel has the ability to morph from one to the other.
August 26, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Returning a sailboat to the Slip

Time flies when you are sailing. But sadly, the moment comes when you must return and put your vessel back in its slip.
October 13, 2023/by Grant Headifen


At boat shows, we see folks huddled down in the vessel’s salon oohing and aahing at the leather cushions to sit on, and at the electronic gadgets for navigation and entertainment.
October 24, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Risk of Collision when Sailing

The Rule of Risk of Collision is that every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances...
August 26, 2023/by Grant Headifen

Rudder Force with Spring Lines

The rudder can be a big help because it can change the direction of the thrust force.
April 29, 2024/by Grant Headifen

Running Aground

In the information age, running aground is usually caused by an amateur mistake, and besides the potential damage, it is also highly embarrassing.
October 23, 2023/by Grant Headifen
Last updated on August 17th, 2024