Delivering Hope and Basic Resources to Children in the Caribbean

This is such a great organization that was referred to us at NauticEd and is a topic dear to our hearts.

In September 2017, NauticEd organized its student base to donate $70,000 to the folks in the BVI to help out with relief work after Hurricane Irma. And so now with Hope Fleet we hope to see some amazing results of help to our neighbors in the Caribbean

This article below was written by:

Danny Moroney
CEO & President
Hope Fleet International
(321) 317-2460

Is Commercial Sailing Coming Back?

Up until the 1860s, sailing was the predominant method of transporting goods throughout most of the globe. Once steam, coal, and diesel engines were developed, we ran as fast as we could and never looked back.

Often with technological advances, however, we tend to leap “forward” very quickly, only to realize that the traditional methods were in fact an overall better solution to our original problems. So, should we be taking another look at commercial sailing? Or is sailing now just a famous sport for the adventurous spirit?

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With the world being so interconnected today, the need to send everything…everywhere is greater than ever before, and that forces us to utilize the most effective shipping methods.

It’s no surprise that a sailing vessel is never going to be able to move the massive loads that a major ocean-freighter can carry. We have invented ships the size of small cities that move everything imaginable. And if we were to immediately replace these ships with traditional schooners, our world economy would be completely devastated before people could even ask “What’s a schooner?”

So in many locations, and situations, it would seem that commercial sailing is a thing of the past. However, we believe there are several places and circumstances that sailing would prove not only beneficial but vital. The greatest need is in the nonprofit sector, transporting Humanitarian Aid.

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Due to the geographical challenges in the Caribbean, there are many vulnerable children and young people living in impoverished, coastal communities who lack basic resources needed to live a healthy, positive and purpose-filled life. Given their geographical sizes and locations, these island communities rely significantly on importing supplies to take care of their children. To give you an idea of the immediate needs, some community courses are forced to reuse needles on children because of supply shortages.

Transporting humanitarian aid and relief depends greatly on large, for-profit, shipping companies. Because of the costly nature of ocean-shipping, and the need to use large ports, many critical resources never make it to where they’re needed. Also, since these ocean-going ships are petroleum-dependent, they are not only impacting our finances but also endangering the very oceans and delicate ecosystems that many of these developing communities rely on for survival and growth.

So we decided to do something about it.

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Hope Fleet is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Sarasota Florida, USA. We are gathering a fleet of sailing vessels to bring medical, educational, and basic supplies to underprivileged children in the Caribbean. Yes, it’s a unique way to solve a unique problem. However, we believe that truly solving problems means taking a different approach and thinking outside of the box. Fortunately, we are sailors. Different is who we are…and outside of the box is where we live.

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We need your wisdom, support, and kindness. Join the family— join the fleet:

From all of us here at Hope Fleet, we want to say a special thanks to Grant Headifen & The NauticEd Staff. Thank you for your kindness, encouragement, and for all that you do for the sailing community. Happy Sailing!


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on July 6th, 2022