GPS Tracking for Sailboats and Float Plan Filing

TrackLinkTM is the GPS Tracking App for Sailboats


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Plus this is the best way to file a boating float plan with friends

TrackLink by NauticEd - GPS Tracking

TrackLink by NauticEd – GPS Tracking

NOW – Track all your sailing ventures using NauticEd’s Tracklink App available on iOS (android to come).

Anytime you enter an area of water, TrackLink asks you “Are you sailing?”. When you reply yes, TrackLink starts GPS tracking your track. When you exit a water area the App stops the tracking automatically.

The GPS track is sent up to your online logbook so that you can view your track forever. It logs the miles, the elapsed time, the weather conditions, the vessel details, who was master of the vessel, and overlays the track onto a chart. Additionally, the logbook entry is automatically authenticated as a bonafide logbook entry so that it automatically builds your sailing resume. Your sailing resume is what yacht charter companies use to determine if you are worthy to charter a yacht on a bareboat sailing vacation. Thus authenticated entries in your logbook and resume carry a lot of weight.

During the venture, at anytime you can share your track with friends and/or it can be used as an accurate float plan filing. Emergency? After you use regular methods to broadcast your message, you can use TrackLink to show your exact position and the nature of your emergency.

Anchor watch. As an extra bonus, we built into the App the world’s easiest anchor watch alarm. Just draw a circle around your vessel when you have anchored. If your vessel every drifts outside the circle, an alarm alerts you.

View this video of how the App works

Get TrackLink now


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on March 27th, 2023