New Style and Greatly Enhanced Sailors LogBook


The NauticEd Logbook has been greatly enhanced to add specific information about each logbook entry.

Previoulsy, you made an entry of a day of sailing in a specific month and identified which vessel you were on and if you were the skipper or a crew member. While this was great and served well to build up your legitimate logbook entries, we decided that you would be served better is you could add authenticity to this experience by having a crew mate verify this sailing venture actually happened. This necessitated that the actual day of the month is identified and this gave rise to the opportunity to add some more specific optional information about that sailing venture like sea conditions, miles travelled, crew mates present and other notes.

We also made the sailors logbook entry system smart and quick so that it would speed up your past history entry process. In addition, we made it easy to replace your old logbook entries with new ones. All you have to do is make a past history entry in the same month and the logbook will automatically replace any old style entries with new style entries. There is an edit your past history window page that allows you to see what still remains as an old style entry. Right now we are advising to not make entries using your NauticEd iPhone App, but to do them online instead – for now until the App is updated.

What is significant about the NauticEd Sailor’s Logbook is that it is unique. No other logbook in the world like this exists and especially no other logbook in the world allows you to gain authenticated entries through your crewmates who were present with you on the sailing venture.

Here is a screen shot of a logbook  entry page for your Sailors Logbook below. Also see  the article on Crew Mate Authentication

If you have not started your Sailor’s Logbook entry yet, Login now for free and get going. It serves as a permanent electronic Sailor’s Logbook stored in the cloud – forever – for FREE.

Sailors logbook entry

Making a sailor’s logbook entry is incredibly simple


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on March 29th, 2023