Skipper Course now Available in iTunes


Apple iTunes just released our NauticEd Skipper Course ibook onto the iBooks store. The iBook is a comprehensive beginner to intermediate multimedia  sailing course which mimics the content material in the online version of the skipper course. The listed price of the iBook is $19.99. The associated test is not included in the iBook but there are review questions embedded to test how the student is doing. To take the test for credit the student can take the test online or by using NauticEd’s iPad/iPhone testing app. The app itself is free to download but each course test is purchased individually. For those who have already purchased an online version of a course and test, the associated test will show up for free in the iPad/iPhone testing app automatically.

By launching onto the iPad, students can now take the NauticEd sailing courses offline – in a coffee shop, on an airplane, on a boat – everywhere. Once the iPad reconnects to the internet, any test results are passed up to the cloud so that the student’s sailing certification is stored in a central server for access by the student or by charter companies (via the students secret logbook code). This is the world’s first and only Cloud based Sailing Certification.

Skipper Course on iTunes

Skipper Course on iTunesThe Skipper Course  marks the 5th NauticEd iBook on Apple iTunes.

The list of NauticEd course material iBooks now available on iTunes are:

  • Skipper Course
  • British Virgin Islands Fast Check out Chart Briefing
  • Navigation Rules
  • Bareboat Charter
  • Maneuvering Under Power

Eventually all the NauticEd courses will be available in iBook format. Android platform books are also planned.



  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on July 8th, 2022