Just Launched – Yacht Club Fund Raising

Yacht clubs are always looking to raise funds for their programs and especially for kids and youth programs. Well NauticEd has a very eloquent solution to just that and it’s essentially automatic. Yacht clubs simply link to NauticEd on their website and when one of their members takes a NauticEd online sailing course, NauticEd generates a check for 20% and sends a donation to the yacht club for their youth program.

In doing this two desirable actions are achieved one Members them selves are more educated about sailing and funds are generated for the youth program.

Yacht Clubs can audit exactly how many members have taken the online sailing courses by logging in at any time to NauticEd. The login page also shows exactly how much donation is due to the club at any time.

More info can be found on yacht club fund raising page on NauticEd.

The idea came from Kingdom Yachts Sailing Club in Georgia and so they are our first participant. The link is free to set up for any yacht club. Checks are made out to the yacht club.



My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.
Grant Headifen
Last updated on July 7th, 2022