Press Release – New Safety at Sea Online Sailing Course
Today, NauticEd Sailing School announced the posting of its online Safety at Sea Course. Written by Captain Ed Mapes who has logged close to 100,000 miles on the ocean, the Safety at Sea course focuses on safety and rigging issues that sailors will experience at sea.
Safety at Sea Online Sailing Course
In the introduction to the sailing course, Captain Mapes challenges the average sailor “What would I do if the rudder broke? How would I cope if a shroud terminal cracked? Could I get the crew safely into the liferaft if the boat went down? Asking these questions in advance is a great way to make ready for sea. We might not pre-fabricate replacements for everything that could break, but the exercise provides us the chance to have materials and tools ready to build a rudder, for example. We could have a plan in mind to substitute for a shroud and keep the rig standing. We would know what goes wrong with a wind vane, what to look for, and how to return it to use”.
The sailing course is focused towards advanced sailors who intend on sailing further than 20 miles offshore. Topics listed on the NauticEd Safety at Sea course description page are:
- Communications
- Rigging Failures
- Steering Failures
- Safety Gear
- Sail Repair
- Engine Issues,
- Fire
- Flooding
- Man Over Board
- Abandon Ship Procedures
- Medical Issues
- Helicopter Evacuation
Safety at Sea marks NauticEd’s 12th online course to be made available to NauticEd Students. It is also a required course to complete the Rank of NauticEd Captain. The investment cost in the education and test is listed at an introductory price of $39. The student is expected to take approximately 12 hours to complete the sailing course.
To learn more about the NauticEd Sailing Courses and Sailing Certification and Sailing Terms sign up with NauticEd.