Qualified Crew Member Certification

Here’s  an exciting addition to the NauticEd Sailing Certification system. We’ve now added a Qualified Crew Member Rank which is super easy to gain with the right education and experience. This announcement follows right on the heals of releasing the Safety at Sea course allowing for the advanced graduation to the Rank of NauticEd Captain. We’re really pulling the stops out these days and developing what a 21st century Sailing Certification should really look like.

A typical Qualified Crew Member Sailing Certificate

A typical Qualified Crew Member Sailing Certificate

Qualified Crew Member applies to all those who have not yet made it to the Skipper, Bareboat Charter Master or Captain Rank. Or if you own a boat, it can apply to all those people that sail on your boat and you wish they knew a little more.

The Qualified Crew Member Rank works similar to the other ranks in that the student must pass a NauticEd educational course and log experience in our FREE online logbook.

To become a Qualified Crew member, the student must pass either the Crew Member Course or the Skipper Course and, for level 1, log a minimum of 10 days on the water. Alternatively, the student can shortcut the 10 days by becoming Proficiency Verified through an accredited NauticEd Hands-On-School offering an on-the-water practical training class and logging just 4 days.

This exciting announcement means that the Qualified Crew Member Rank is with in realistic reach of anyone without compromising any educational and certification integrity. Following that, the step up to Skipper is again with in easy reach.

To move through the levels in the Qualified Crew Member Rank, just follow this below:

  • Level I – 10 Qualifying Days or 4 qualifying days with Practical Proficiency Verification
  • Level II – 25 Qualifying Days
  • Level III – 50 Qualifying Days
  • Level IV – 100 Qualifying Days
  • Level V – 200 Qualifying Days

The Practical Proficiency Verification stamp works as simple as this:

  1. Take the NauticEd Qualified Crew or Skipper Course
  2. Visit an accredited NauticEd hands-on practical sailing school and request practical training to the Qualified Crew or Skipper rank.
  3. When the instructor deems you proficient, he or she will electronically stamp your Sailing Certification.
  4. Make sure you’ve logged at least 4 Qualifying Crew Member days and …
  5. Viola – you’re a certified NauticEd Qualified Crew Member and your online Sailing Certification is instantly upgraded.

If you want to see how Qualified Crew Member Students will be tested on the water – visit this site and down load the Crew Member test out PDF.


Qualified Crew Member Sailing Course - e-book.

Qualified Crew Member Sailing Course – e-book.

The Qualified Crew Member Course or the upgrade to the Skipper Course makes a really fantastic last minute Christmas Present Stocking Stuffer. Download this free word doc stocking stuffer.

You just fill it out and give it to your crew member announcing the course as a gift and their login and password details. Then, look forward to more helpful and knowledgeable crew in 2011.

We’re really looking forward to 2011 – we’ve got a ton of new features planned to help you make 2011 an aquatic year so keep on keeping on with those sailing classes.

Seasonal Salutations

Grant Headifen
Educational Director NauticEd


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on September 27th, 2022