Boating Knowledge Base
Have a sailing question? Access NauticEd’s sailing and boating knowledge base, and gain in-depth answers to your sailing questions. If you’re interested in powerboating, visit our new powerboating blog.
Anchoring Courtesy
After safely and securely anchoring your vessel, there are certain factors to contend with - most are common sense.
October 14, 2023/by Grant HeadifenCharter Provisioning
Many charter companies can stock and provision your boat before you arrive. This is a good idea for the basics but there is usually little imagination in the food that is supplied.
April 6, 2024/by Grant HeadifenHow to Book a Sailing Charter
There are a few things you need to know about booking a charter.
April 4, 2024/by Grant HeadifenWeather Warnings
Weather services will also provide weather warnings, such as small craft or gale warnings for a certain area, as well as fog predictions.
October 16, 2023/by Grant HeadifenAir Flow over the Sails
Similar to steady flight, we've got to keep the air flowing over the sails smoothly...
August 22, 2023/by Grant HeadifenSailboat Solar Power
Solar panels produce DC power and are used to charge the batteries. A relatively small solar panel such as 1 square foot (0.1 m2) can produce about 1½ amps at...
October 24, 2023/by Grant HeadifenDual Rudder Monohulls
When a monohull sailboat has dual rudders, the boat will act with different characteristics than with a single rudder. Thus, the point of this module is to help you maneuver a dual-rudder monohull sailboat.
May 13, 2024/by Grant HeadifenSailboat Inverters
Sailboat Inverters are devices used to convert 12-volt DC battery electricity to AC 110-volt or 220-volt electricity. Special electronics in
October 13, 2023/by Grant HeadifenNames of Thingys in Sailing
There's a lot of terminology in sailing, and to get started with sail trim we recommend beginning with some key sailing "thingy" terms.
August 2, 2023/by Grant HeadifenCatamaran Maneuvering Mastery
As now learned, Cats can turn inside their own length, they can vector sideways, and using the bulldozer effect you can instantly rotate the Cat to point in any direction, you can do almost anything.
June 1, 2024/by Grant HeadifenElectricity and Charging Your Devices on a Charter
It’s a given, we can’t live without electricity. At home, we have all the conveniences and all the chargers we need. But what about on a boat on a sailing vacation? What can I charge and what voltage is available?
April 4, 2024/by Grant HeadifenKnow Your Chart!
Always familiarize yourself with any chart before using it for navigation and plotting of positions; there are significant differences between charts that could lead to mistakes.
October 14, 2023/by Grant HeadifenNavigation Introduction
The history of navigation is fascinating and dates back to as many centuries as we can imagine.
October 15, 2023/by Grant HeadifenMaintaining a Lookout
The Rule Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as...
August 28, 2023/by Grant HeadifenReefing the Sails
Before heading out, check forecasted wind conditions to see if you might need to reef at some point during the day. If so, make appropriate reefing preparations in the calm marina and ensure your crew knows the procedure.
October 12, 2023/by Grant HeadifenWeather Predictions
While we have touched on weather concepts in this Module, no one can expect you to be a meteorologist (unless you are one) and do a good enough job at predicting the weather with enough quality to guarantee your safety.
October 13, 2023/by Grant HeadifenRisk of Collision when Sailing
The Rule of Risk of Collision is that every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances...
August 26, 2023/by Grant HeadifenLeaving the Slip with a Sailboat
Wind coming into the slip channel and your boat is stern-to. This is best handled by steering out of the slip and then immediately downwind. Back out of the slip channel and well into the main channel before engaging forward.
April 1, 2024/by Grant HeadifenElectric Windlass
An electric windlass is a powerful electric winch that greatly helps in the lowering and raising the anchor.
October 23, 2023/by Grant HeadifenWeighing Anchor
“Weighing the anchor” simply means raising it. If raising the anchor is to be done by hand...
October 17, 2023/by Grant HeadifenFerrying Docking Technique
Ferrying is a docking technique whereby you can maneuver your boat in high wind and current easily.
August 4, 2024/by Grant HeadifenSinking
A boat sits down in the water until it has displaced the same weight of water as the weight of the boat. It is a universal arrangement between boat and water...
October 25, 2023/by Grant HeadifenSailboat Maneuvering Topics
With practice, wind direction and current direction are not too much of a problem. But what can get you into trouble is extremely high winds. Be prepared to change...
October 13, 2023/by Grant HeadifenVessel Lights and Shapes
Nighttime can be a beautiful time to sail. However, night vision is not the same as day vision and so rules have been established to ensure safety.
October 12, 2023/by Grant Headifen