Meet Sailing Instructor Patrick Scollard
Discover the story of Ainsley Harrison, a sailing instructor with a passion for adventure and a deep love for the ocean.
Discover the story of Ainsley Harrison, a sailing instructor with a passion for adventure and a deep love for the ocean.
Take your sailing skills to the next level during the off-season. Learn boat handling, docking, and anchoring with NauticEd’s Skipper Course.
Stay safe on the water by understanding boating give way rules. Learn essential navigational rules to prevent collisions and sail smarter.
Beam reach – true wind or apparent wind – that is the question. Learn about the interplay between theory and practice when sailing a beam reach.
The traveler and the mainsheet work dynamically together. Sail like a pro by properly trimming the mainsail using the mainsheet and traveler.
Learn essential night sailing tips in this podcast and article from an experienced delivery captain. Ensure safety and gain valuable insights for sailing at night.
Learn how to get started in sailing. Gain the knowledge, skills, and experience to become a competent sailor.
Discover the most common causes of accidents on the water and learn how to prevent them. Stay safe while enjoying your time on the water.
Unleash your inner sailor with Bill Ibsen’s guide to 9 essential knots. From bights to bitter ends, master the art of knot tying.
Accelerated Learning with VR. Virtual Reality training in every physical field is proving to be more effective as well as faster learning. Learning sailing is particularly relevant for VR.
NauticEd is a fully recognized education and certification platform for sailing students combining online and on-the-water real instruction (and now VR). NauticEd offers +24 online courses, a free sailor's toolkit that includes 2 free courses, and six ranks of certification – all integrated into NauticEd’s proprietary platform. The USCG and NASBLA recognize NauticEd as having met the established American National Standards. Learn more at
The NauticEd Vacations team are Expert Global Yacht Charter Agents – when you book a sailing vacation or bareboat charter through NauticEd, we don’t charge you a fee – we often save you money since we can compare prices from all yacht charter companies. PLUS, we can give you advice on which destination or charter company will suit your needs best. Inquire about a Sailing Vacation or Charter.