Pirate Facts & Quotes
A collection of our favorite pirate and seafaring quotes. And, we added a wee bit of pirate history to help put the pirate quotes in context.
A collection of our favorite pirate and seafaring quotes. And, we added a wee bit of pirate history to help put the pirate quotes in context.
Whenever you are out on the water sailing, the SailTies app will create a GPS real-time track of your every movement and display it on a map. You can see every tack, gybe, knock, and lift. The guys at SailTies did such an amazing job of creating a user-friendly app for GPS tracking that we decided to hook up with them and allow their data to directly feed right into the student NauticEd logbook.
Top 10 safe boating tips in recognition of safe boating awareness week this June. Learn how to be safe on the water.
The biggest lie in sailing stems from sailing certifications alone as proof enough of competence to charter yachts.
Now, you can learn to sail, improve your sailing skills, and build your mileage…all while on a vacation.
Now users can begin tracking all their sailing ventures using NauticEd’s Tracklink App. Available on iOS, and soon on Android devices.
We recently were copied on an email from a school to one of our students that was encouraging a sailor to fill out their paper sailor’s logbook. Paper? Really? – Actually I think it was really only because there was no understanding that an electronic 21st century thinking has been applied to sailing logbooks. Here […]
If you think this is the greatest idea on the planet or at least just a very good one, please like us on facebook. Posted by Grant Headifen, Global Director of Education – NauticEd. One of the greatest things I love about my job is the ability to apply the latest technology to the sailing […]
Airline pilots, naval seamen, scientists and scuba divers all maintain a logbook. So why don’t sailors? Because it’s just in the too hard bucket with seemingly no point to do it. Until Now! If you ever want to charter, you MUST have a sailing resume. Yacht charter companies DO NOT accept a sailing certification – […]
NauticEd is a fully recognized education and certification platform for sailing students combining online and on-the-water real instruction (and now VR). NauticEd offers +24 online courses, a free sailor's toolkit that includes 2 free courses, and six ranks of certification – all integrated into NauticEd’s proprietary platform. The USCG and NASBLA recognize NauticEd as having met the established American National Standards. Learn more at www.nauticed.org.
The NauticEd Vacations team are Expert Global Yacht Charter Agents – when you book a sailing vacation or bareboat charter through NauticEd, we don’t charge you a fee – we often save you money since we can compare prices from all yacht charter companies. PLUS, we can give you advice on which destination or charter company will suit your needs best. Inquire about a Sailing Vacation or Charter.