Meet Sailing Instructor Patrick Scollard
Discover the story of Ainsley Harrison, a sailing instructor with a passion for adventure and a deep love for the ocean.
Flares Are Essential Safety Equipment
In addition to your flare kit, you should have on board a distress signaling kit. It should contain a mirror (which has been consistently proven to attract attention to far away viewers), an eVDSD (electronic Visual Distress Signal Device) which is an LED SOS signaling device discussed above, a whistle, a distress orange flag, and a floating LED flashlight - all stowed in a loudly marked bag for easy grab.
Meet Sailing Instructor Lawrence Galiano
Discover the story of Ainsley Harrison, a sailing instructor with a passion for adventure and a deep love for the ocean.
The International Ibiza Regatta!
A sailing event that is as fun as it is serious! Get ready for an exhilarating sailing competition between large, modern chartered sailing yachts, with our own unique handicap system! What could be more exhilarating than a race in turquoise waters around the world's hippest tropical island?
Meet Sailing Instructor Ainsley Harrison
Discover the story of Ainsley Harrison, a sailing instructor with a passion for adventure and a deep love for the ocean.
Guide to Adapters and Chargers needed for Yacht Charter
At home, you have 110 volt or 220 volt AC electricity from the wall sockets. On a boat, the electricity comes from 2 sources, the 12 volt DC batteries, and the 110 volt or 220 volt AC generator if running. Here is what to bring with you on charter.
Top 10 Tips For a Mediterranean Yacht Charter
Explore the Mediterranean on a yacht charter and experience stunning coastlines, local cuisine, and ancient ruins. Learn 10 essential tips for a smooth sailing adventure.
Top 10 Overlooked Annual Inspection Points from a Marine Surveyor
Ensure a thorough marine surveyor inspection with this comprehensive checklist. Don't overlook any important details.
Meet Sailing Instructor Paul Werbin
Meet Paul Werbin, a seasoned sailor and instructor who traded the healthcare world for a life of adventure, singlehanding the Bahamas and mastering catamaran sailing.
The Importance of Sailing Experiential Learning
Sailing is an example of the synergy between theory and sailing experiential learning. While theoretical knowledge sets the stage, experiential learning takes center stage shaping sailors into competent sailors.
Choosing the Perfect Catamaran for a Yacht Charter
Find your perfect catamaran for a dream yacht charter. Discover the key factors to consider, from amenities to charter options, and plan an unforgettable sailing adventure.
Choosing the Right Yacht for Your Goals
Find the perfect yacht to fit your lifestyle and goals. Discover the key factors to consider when choosing the right yacht for your needs.
Sicily – Discover the Aeolian Islands
Explore the breathtaking Aeolian Islands in Sicily on a sailing vacation. Experience a mix of adventure, relaxation, and cultural immersion.
8 Essential Tips for Buying the Right Yacht
Looking to buy the perfect yacht? Check out these essential tips for making the right decision and finding the yacht of your dreams.
How to Boost Your Sailing Skills During the Off-Season
Take your sailing skills to the next level during the off-season. Learn boat handling, docking, and anchoring with NauticEd's Skipper Course.
Buying a Cheap Sailboat – is it a Deal?
Get insider tips on buying a cheap sailboat from Capt. Josh Hannigan, a sailing instructor and boat broker. Start your boating adventure without breaking the bank.
Chartering the Greek Riveria
Discover the beauty of the Greek Riviera on a sailing vacation. Explore the Argo Saronic area, a Mediterranean gem recommended by NauticEd's Staff.
How to Create a New Years Resolution
Unlock a world of possibilities with boating as your New Year's resolution. Experience the freedom, adventure, and tranquility of life on the water.
Lost Treasure
Discover the hidden secrets of lost treasure and the allure of shipwrecks. Explore the depths and history of sunken vessels.
Give Way Rules Video
Stay safe on the water by understanding boating give way rules. Learn essential navigational rules to prevent collisions and sail smarter.
Boston Harbor Boating Guide
Explore the historic Boston Harbor with this comprehensive boater's guide. Learn about landmarks, safe navigation, mooring, and attractions for an unforgettable boating experience.
Top Ghost Ships
Discover the eerie legends and haunting mysteries of ghost ships like the Flying Dutchman and Mary Celeste.
Learning sailing while on a Yacht Charter Vacation
Learn to sail while on vacation with the Instructional Skipper Program. Gain real-world skills and practical experience in beautiful destinations.
Eight Bells for Captain James Waddell
It is with heavy hearts during this holiday season that we share the news and toll the 8 Bells for the passing of Captain James (Jim) Waddell from Satori Sailing, a beloved member of our extended NauticEd family.
Is a beam reach relative to true wind or apparent wind
Beam reach - true wind or apparent wind - that is the question. Learn about the interplay between theory and practice when sailing a beam reach.
Boater Gift Guide
Sailor gift ideas - Sailing is the gift that keeps giving whether by helping someone achieve their goals with a sailing course or the ultimate of gift of a sailing vacation.
Greece vs Croatia
Both Greece and Croatia offer unparalleled sailing experiences, each with its own unique charm, beauty, and cultural heritage. Whether you're exploring the sun-drenched islands of Greece or the rugged coastline of Croatia, a yacht charter vacation in the Mediterranean promises adventure, relaxation, and unforgettable memories on the water.
Party the night away on a yacht charter in the Mediterranean. Visit the top party islands and immerse yourself in the vibrant nightlife and local culture.
How to Get Bareboat Certified for Yacht Charter with NauticEd
Discover how to get bareboat certified and fulfill your dream of chartering a yacht in popular destinations like Europe and the Seychelles.
Discover the best food yacht charter destinations for culinary enthusiasts. Experience a unique combination of sailing and exceptional cuisine.
Top 10 Sailing Yacht Charter Destinations for 2025
Discover the world's best sailing destinations for 2025. From the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Aeolian Islands to the serene waters of Central Croatia, embark on an unforgettable sailing journey.
How to Trim the Mainsail – Traveler or Mainsheet?
The traveler and the mainsheet work dynamically together. Sail like a pro by properly trimming the mainsail using the mainsheet and traveler.
Serenity at Sea – Yacht Charter Destinations for Peace and Quiet
Discover serene yacht charter destinations for a peaceful and relaxing getaway. Explore quiet and untouched locations away from the crowds.
The Best Restaurants to savor in the Saronic area of Greece on a yacht charter
Discover the best restaurants in Greece's Saronic area and indulge in the tantalizing flavors of Greek cuisine during your yacht charter.
Sailing to a Mooring Ball
Sailing up to a mooring ball is an advanced skill. It will definitely prove your finesse for handling the boat and managing the crew.
Where are the Wallys
Find the Wally and his friends who can't trim the sails.
Navigation Rules of the Ocean Made Easy
A podcast with summary and transcript of the rules of navigation of the oceans. Learn the navigation rules.
I am a monohull sailor but want to sail a catamaran on a sailing vacation
The question is can I charter a catamaran if I don't have any experience. The answer is yes and no ... read on
Bareboat Yacht Charter Competency
Being competent on a yacht charter is paramount. BUT how do you know you're competent, what is competence and how do you measure competence. NauticEd uses the American National Standards which is prescribed by the US Coast Guard.
Top Apps for Sailing and Yacht Charter Planning
Discover the top sailing apps for iOS and Android. From charts and GPS tracking to weather forecasts, these apps have everything sailors need.
LN CTA Widget for CPT LN Widget
Single Post Template
Sailing at Night – Night Sailing Tips from an Experienced Delivery Captain
Learn essential night sailing tips in this podcast and article from an experienced delivery captain. Ensure safety and gain valuable insights for sailing at night.
Sailing the Fjords of Newfoundland
Discover the remote beauty of Newfoundland through sailing. Explore untouched anchorages and fulfill your adventurous spirit.
How to Get Started in Sailing
Learn how to get started in sailing. Gain the knowledge, skills, and experience to become a competent sailor.
Ferrying Docking Technique
Ferrying is a docking technique whereby you can maneuver your boat in high wind and current easily.
Sailing in the Costa Smeralda, Sardinia
Discover the beauty of sailing in the Costa Smeralda in Sardinia. Explore emerald-colored waters, sandy beaches, and breathtaking mountain ranges.
Meet Sailing Instructor Jeff “Vegas” Howard
Meet instructor Audrey Allgood in Florida. Audrey's awesome - USCG licensed, highly experienced, and loves sharing her passion of sailing.
How to qualify to skipper a boat on a sailing vacation
If you want to qualify to skipper a boat on a sailing vacation, you're going to need to be competent. Don't focus on the certification first - that will come once you are competent. Here is a plan towards competence that will make sure you are not only qualified but knowledgeable, safe, and experienced.
TAKE THE FRIGGIN WHEEL! Free Sailing Emotional Intelligence Podcast
Unlock the power of emotional intelligence in sailing with our podcast. Learn to be a strong leader and create a wow factor with your crew.
New England North Shore Sailing Courses and Vacation
Take a vacation to New England and get skipper or bareboat certified, or just charter a day-sail, with Satori Sailing on the famous New England North Shore.
Grenada Flotilla – November 2024 – Just Completed
Come join the NauticEd team as we adventure to Grenada on our family-friendly November 2024 Grenada and the Grenadines Flotilla.
Boating’s Deadly Dozen – The Top Causes of Accidents on the Water
Discover the most common causes of accidents on the water and learn how to prevent them. Stay safe while enjoying your time on the water.
Meet Sailing Instructor Audrey Allgood
Meet instructor Audrey Allgood in Florida. Audrey's awesome - USCG licensed, highly experienced, and loves sharing her passion of sailing.
Getting to Know the NauticEd Sailing Vacations Yacht Charter Agents
NauticEd Sailing Vacations Yacht Charter Agents really help sailors have amazing sailing vacations! Get to know NauticEd's Charter Agents.
9 Essential Knots Every Sailor Should Know
Unleash your inner sailor with Bill Ibsen's guide to 9 essential knots. From bights to bitter ends, master the art of knot tying.
Sea of Cortez Flotilla – February 2025 – SOLD-OUT
The Sea of Cortez has captured the imagination of sailors and adventurers and offers unparalleled opportunities for exploration under sail. Join other sailors on NauticEd and Santana Sailing's 2025 Sea of Cortez Flotilla.
St. Martin Flotilla – March 2025 – SOLD OUT
Come join the NauticEd team as we adventure to St. Martin on our family-friendly March 2025 St. Martin Flotilla.
Prop Walk Bests You
There is one situation where you are just going to have to suck it up, admit defeat, and work with the forces of nature.
Docking Force Alignment and Moment Balance
When you are docking, if your boat pulls on a line attached to the dock, the line pulls back on your boat. If the forces are aligned, then nothing really happens.
Top 10 Tips for Eco-Friendly Chartering
NauticEd wants everyone to respect the environment – especially our gorgeous oceans. Here are our top 10 eco-friendly chartering tips.
British Virgin Islands Flotilla – March 2025
Come join the NauticEd team as we adventure to the British Virgin Islands on our family-friendly March 2025 British Virgin Islands Flotilla.
Ionians Greece Sailing Flotilla – June 2025
Come join the NauticEd September 2024 Ionians Greece sailing flotilla! View all the details and register here...
Dock Slips Docking Techniques
Wind coming into the dock slip channel and your boat is to be docked stern-to, steer into the slip channel...
Croatia Sailing Flotilla – June 2025
Explore the stunning Croatian coast on a June 2025 sailing flotilla. Discover hidden coves, charming villages, and crystal-clear waters.
Athens Greece Sailing Flotilla – September 2025
Explore the stunning Saronic out of Athens Greece on a September 2025 sailing flotilla. Discover hidden coves, charming villages, and crystal-clear waters.
Catamaran Maneuvering Mastery
As now learned, Cats can turn inside their own length, they can vector sideways, and using the bulldozer effect you can instantly rotate the Cat to point in any direction, you can do almost anything.
Using Prop Walk
You can use prop walk to turn your boat in a tight marina by applying forward and reverse gears at appropriate times, leaving the rudder locked to starboard.
Seychelles Flotilla – Nov 2025 – SOLD OUT!
Come join the NauticEd team as we adventure to the Seychelles on our November 2025 sailing flotilla.
Momentum on a Sailboat
While sailboats are primarily powered by wind, the use of an engine (technically your sailboat engine is “auxiliary power”) is crucial for certain maneuvers and situations. All of this begins with understanding the momentum of a sailboat!
Springing a sailboat On and In
Coming up to a Tee-head is more the situation where you need to spring on. The need for accuracy in your maneuver is heightened when the space is tight.
Docking Maneuvers with Dual Rudders
With Dual Rudders there is no ability to spring the boat onto or off the dock! You have no water velocity over the rudders from either boat velocity or propwash.
Sailboat Gear and Throttle Controls
Sailboats, and boats in general, use their gears and throttle to control momentum. It’s unlike driving a car in that you have no brake! Instead, you use your forward and reverse gears and throttle to both increase and decrease speed...
Getting the General Feel of Maneuvering a Catamaran
Some have compared maneuvering a catamaran with driving a bulldozer. Well . . . perhaps!
Propwalk factors – The p factor
There are two combined reasons that work in unison to create propwalk.
Mediterranean Mooring Techniques
Mediterranean Mooring Techniques is where the rubber meets the road—or, in this case, where the gel coat does not touch the big bad hard concrete wall.
Sailing Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines
There are several ways to sail the Grenada/Grenadines areas: A one-way drop of starting in St. Vincent or even the farther island to the north of St. Lucia and ending in St. Georges, Grenada OR you can start in St Georges, Grenada and sail north then returning to St. Georges. The one-way drop-off option whereby you start in St Vincent or St Lucia costs a little more to have the boat delivered back north but it does create a great trip as the wind angle for most of the trip will be a beam reach or broad reach on your port. We don’t recommend doing a one-way drop off whereby starting in Grenada and sailing north as this will mostly be close hauling all the way with many tacks making your time unrealistic.
Dual Rudder Monohulls
When a monohull sailboat has dual rudders, the boat will act with different characteristics than with a single rudder. Thus, the point of this module is to help you maneuver a dual-rudder monohull sailboat.
Planning to use springlines when docking
Like a work of fine engineering, a spring maneuver requires a design. The key is to plan the maneuver by considering the wind, current, and other obstacles, then design the placement and directions of the forces and moments.
Advanced Catamaran Maneuvering – Using the Rudders
There are some other cool things you can do when you consider the propeller thrust over a Catamaran's rudders.
Mediterranean Mooring – Long Line Ashore
The long-line-ashore is a useful Mediterranean mooring method. It is mostly used in the Mediterranean as a customary way of mooring a lot of boats along a shoreline.
Leaving the Dock – End Ties
Wind pushing you away from the dock - This is the simplest scenario. Once you are confident of your plan, release and stow dock lines, then allow the wind to push the boat clear of other obstacles.
Mediterranean Mooring with an Anchor
Another factor when Mediterranean Mooring with an anchor is that the wind direction determines who is in control...
Propwalk – The Wash Lift effect
The wash-lift effect has been documented heavily by Dave Geer who is one of the worlds leading propeller engineers.
Rudder Force with Spring Lines
The rudder can be a big help because it can change the direction of the thrust force.
Getting a Sailing Qualification while on a Sailing Vacation
While training and earning a sailing certification while on a vacation is possible, it doesn’t make nearly as much sense as you may think if you focus on 2 key questions.
Deploying the Anchor
It is important that the person deploying the anchor and the helmsperson are in agreement about the anchoring plan first. Discuss the placement, the direction, the depth, the desired scope, and the setting plan.
Marine Radio Licensing
To operate a marine radio lawfully, you must comply with the laws of the country in which you are operating the radio.
Typical Boat and Battery Wiring Schematic
Here is a typical wiring schematic of how your batteries are connected into your boat and charging system.
Understanding Energy and Power
Energy: The concept of energy is likened to water for the easiest understanding. A bucket of water holds a specific amount of water which is measured in a quantity of gallons or liters. It is finite; when it is all drained out, it is gone. To gain more, it must be replaced from a source.
Topping Up your Energy on a Sailboat
There are several methods to top-off your energy on a sailboat.
Anchoring Basics
Anchoring is not simply throwing a "hook" and letting out a line. Although by watching some sailors this seems to be their theory. The best way to approach anchoring is to dissect it into a series of individual steps.
Anchoring with multiple anchors
Setting multiple anchors has multiple advantages. It reduces swing, reduces the holding load required by each anchor, and can act as a backup.
Water and Water Making on Bareboat Charter
Aboard, drinkable water is indeed a limited supply - very limited.
Available Energy Stored in a Battery
You don’t actually run all of the electron charge out of a battery when it is considered empty.
Mooring on a Charter
Most developed chartering locations throughout the world have established zones in which mooring balls have been permanently implanted.
Selecting an Anchoring Spot
Selecting an Anchoring Spot - Charts, both electronic and paper will tell you where the reliable anchoring spots are.
Seasickness on a Bareboat Charter
Here is some education about sea sickness that can help you and your crew overcome it.
Typical Sailboat Energy Usage
Here we show the devices and how much energy you would typically use on a sailing boat on a sailing vacation each day.
Dinghy on a Bareboat Charter
Several things to note about the dinghy on a Bareboat Charter.
The Autopilot on a Charter
The autopilot is a great tool for those long hauls and it’s probably better at holding a straight line than most of us.
Using a Marine Radio
Knowledge of use of a VHF is not only mandatory for safety but some governments require a VHF knowledge certification before you can charter a boat in their waters.
Air Conditioning on a Sailboat
Air conditioning is an enormous energy drain.
Galley Stove on a Charter Boat
The vast majority of vessels in charter fleets are equipped with propane-burning galley stoves.
Fishing on a Charter
Bring a fishing rod and reel with a 20 lb break strength line. Even if you’re not typically a fisher, few things in life are better than catching a fish for your crew, cooking it, and serving it that evening. It will increase your hero status.
Communications while Underway on a Charter
Contact between vessels, or a boat and a land station, is usually carried out using VHF (Very High Frequency) radios.
Charter Provisioning
Many charter companies can stock and provision your boat before you arrive. This is a good idea for the basics but there is usually little imagination in the food that is supplied.
The Nautical Chart on a Charter
Even though most sailboat charters are within island groups where the next landfall is typically within sight, every boat should be equipped with complete large-scale charts of the area.
Good Captainship
Being a good captain on a bareboat charter is a real skill. It is very unlike being a good captain on a military or commercial ship or even a captain in a local yacht race.
The Deck – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat
Gaining knowledge about the boat, its systems, and its equipment is a great starting point for any sailing adventure.
Operating the Engine – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat
Many modern sailboats are equipped with integrated engine throttle and transmission shift systems; called the push-pull cabling system.
Bilge Pumps on a Charter Boat
Boats have two types of pumps to empty bilge water; electronic and manually operated.
How to Book a Sailing Charter
There are a few things you need to know about booking a charter.
The Types of Sailing Charters
There are two types of sailing charters; captained and bareboat. The captained charters have a professional captain on board to navigate and operate the vessel, and usually...
Electricity and Charging Your Devices on a Charter
It’s a given, we can’t live without electricity. At home, we have all the conveniences and all the chargers we need. But what about on a boat on a sailing vacation? What can I charge and what voltage is available?
Generators on a Charter Boat
Some charter boats have generators. These are small diesel engines that convert fossil fuel to DC electricity that is stored in the battery banks and AC electricity that is used to run the air conditioning, microwave, and AC outlet plugs around the boat.
Charter Local Area Familiarization
Once you’ve arrived at the charter base, the company will give you an extensive briefing on the local area, where to sail, where not to sail, and they’ll also give you a recommended route to take for the time that you have allotted.
The Engine – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat
While this is a sailing boat propelled by the wind and mostly without the need for burning fossil fuels the most devastating breakdown besides hull failure is the engine.
The Fuel System – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat
While it is reasonably rare to have a fuel problem on a charter it can certainly happen and you should be prepared to apply the (sometimes simple) solution below.
Starting the Engine – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat
Regarding the starting procedure, we’re assuming that since you’re actually commanding a sailboat you pretty much know how to turn the key and all the other safety precautions.
Plumbing and Tankage – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat
A diaphragm pump below directs flow from the water tank(s) to various faucets throughout the boat. You'll always begin a charter with full water tanks but understand that water conservation is still required.
Seacocks – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat
Seacocks are designed to let water flow out of the hull safely. They are not one-way valves so any loose clamps around the seacock itself create leaks around the hoses and can allow water to enter into the boat. This is usually bad – right?
Heads on a Charter Boat
You don’t need trouble with the waste system, especially when on vacation.
Sails – Getting Familiar with a Charter Boat
We’re pretty certain here that you know how to operate sails on a sailboat, however – chances are that you’re chartering a boat much bigger than you’re normally used to.
Kids on a Sailing Charter
If you're considering a charter and considering taking your kids - DO IT.
Showering on a Charter Boat
Charter boat guests use the showers not only for basic hygiene, but must also rinse off seawater after swimming to avoid nasty skin rashes (sailor’s sores).
Getting Familiar with the Charter Boat
Prior to releasing the boat to you, the charter company will give you a reasonably extensive walk through the boat.
Leaving the Slip with a Sailboat
Wind coming into the slip channel and your boat is stern-to. This is best handled by steering out of the slip and then immediately downwind. Back out of the slip channel and well into the main channel before engaging forward.
RYA Day Skipper with NauticEd
Learn the difference between the RYA Day Skipper Course and The NauticEd Skipper Course, and choose which course and sailing license will be best for you!
DC Electrical System on a Charter Boat
Batteries power the 12 Volt DC “house” electrical system. There may be one or several batteries linked together to supply power...
Charter Freezer and Fridge Management
Freezers are typically top-loading and very deep. Take from home 4 -5 fabric shopping bags to stow similar items in the freezer. In doing this you...
Along with places to provision, we also provide some key tips to help become competent in this skill, and some handy reference sheets. And last—we present restaurant recommendations so that on the nights you’re not cooking, eating, or cleaning aboard, you can enjoy some of the delicious BVI cuisine on shore.
Docking onto End Ties
Wind blowing you off the dock end ties, plan a fairly steep approach so that you are facing more into the wind.
NauticEd uses the SailTies GPS Tracking App
The strengthened partnership between NauticEd and SailTies is a testament to their commitment to advancing sailing education and experience tracking. By focusing on what each does best—NauticEd in creating competent sailors through education and SailTies in tracking and sharing sailing adventures—this collaboration is setting new standards in the sailing community. Sailors can now enjoy the best of both worlds: an educational platform that builds competence and a tracking app that validates and shares their seafaring experiences with the world.
Anchoring with Propwalk on a Sailboat
Without proper knowledge of how the boat reacts to the wind and propwalk, anchoring can be a real challenge.
Pacific Northwest Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
The Caribbean is a sailor's paradise and year-round sailing destination. Explore top Caribbean sailing vacations island and charter bases.
Sailing Lifestyle
The benefits of sailing extend far beyond mere recreation. From stress relief and improved cardiovascular fitness to enhanced mindfulness and personal growth, sailing offers a holistic approach to well-being that nourishes the mind, body, and soul. So why not cast off the lines, set sail, and experience the transformative power of the sea for yourself? Fair winds and following seas await.
Pirate Facts & Quotes
A collection of our favorite pirate and seafaring quotes. And, we added a wee bit of pirate history to help put the pirate quotes in context.
Catamaran Vacation Training in Puerto Rico
Join NauticEd for an exclusive Catamaran Vacation Training event in the stunning waters of Puerto Rico, and discover a world of excitement and learning like never before.
Boat: Saba 50. This stunning large Fountaine Pajot Catamaran has plenty of space inside and out. 3 cabins (double occupancy) are reserved for students/guests; each guest cabin has its own ensuite bathroom. One cabin is for the Instructional Skipper and one is reserved for the host/chef.
Participants: Sailors looking to gain experience and informal training while on vacation as well as their significant others (or friends). Those wanting to learn will have ample opportunity to learn the intricacies of catamaran chartering while those wanting to relax can easily find a relaxing space to kick back and enjoy and good book, cruise the waters via SUP, or simply enjoy a tasty libation on board.
Catamaran Sailing Training in Houston Texas
Each of these programs is not just a course; it's an adventure and a stepping stone to mastering the art of catamaran sailing. Whether you're a beginner, a seasoned sailor, or an instructor, these courses are designed to enhance your skills and confidence on the water. Don't miss the chance to set sail on this exciting journey. Register now and make 2024 the year you conquer the waves on a catamaran!
Polar Plots and True vs Apparent Wind Triangle – all explained
Learn to use polar plot diagrams to generate a true wind / apparent wind/ boat speed triangle. Understand how a decrease in true wind velocity is not a knock and an increase is not a permanent lift with our simple explanation.
Meet Sailing Instructor Michael Pearce
What’s your favorite part about teaching sailors?
When the light goes on as the student connects the theory to the reality. The joy a student feels and expresses after completing a difficult task or executing a maneuver perfectly. The camaraderie that sailing promotes.
Meet Sailing Instructor Wayne Cook
I started sailing when I was 10 years old with my uncle on Lake Ponchartrain in New Orleans. It is then I realized my passion for sailinng. Forty years later I finally took a Formal Sailing Class. I thought I knew a lot, and I did, but did not realize how much I did not know
Meet Sailing Instructor Valerio Marra
I hopped on a sailboat almost by accident. It happened during a networking event for Italian professionals living abroad, and I reside in the suburbs of Boston, MA. The very next day, I eagerly signed up for a 101 course, and two years later, I had obtained all the certifications required to become an instructor. I spent every day of the week at the dock, honing my skills. I practiced crew overboard drills so many times that people jokingly thought I was responsible for cleaning the Boston Harbor.
Meet Sailing Instructor Alex DeShazer
As a marine professional based in Southern California, I have had a diverse career in the sailing industry. I have served as the VP of Instruction for the South Coast Sailing Team in Dana Point, CA, where I was responsible for overseeing the instructors, courses, and overall sailing program. Additionally, I have been a Sailing Instructor and owner/operator of OC Boat Charter, Captain of a 60’ luxury catamaran sailing yacht based in Long Beach, CA, whale watching Captain on a 55’ sailing Catamaran, and owner/operator of American Dive Institute on the East Coast.
Tips on Navigating the Hazards of Bora Bora
The entire southern end of Bora Bora's lagoon is unnavigable to sailboats due to its shallow waters, although much of it can be traversed by dinghy. This means that for incoming sailboats to visit the picturesque eastern side lagoon...
Meet Sailing Instructor Andy Deen
I think my favorite part about teaching sailing for a living is the perpetual goal to "teach myself out of a job." Just recently, I received a video from former students who did their first bareboat charter in Antigua. I love it when my graduates stay in touch and continue to update me as they charter, purchase a boat, etc.
Tour Telemark Norway Canals on an Electric Powered Boat
Explore the majestic Telemark Canal in Norway on electric cabin cruisers. Enjoy breathtaking views and the Norwegian ambiance with Canal Boats Telemark.
How Do I Increase My NauticEd Ranks and Level
A NauticEd rank is a designation within the NauticEd sailing education system that signifies a sailor's level of proficiency, based on a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical training, and recorded sailing experience.
FREE Virtual Reality Sailing Training & Racing
Join other sailors and instructors for FREE Virtual Reality Sailing Training & Racing. Hone your sailing skills and join the VR community.
Alex AI Press Release Sailing Education
NauticEd, the global leader in sailing education, has taken a giant leap forward in the world of maritime education with the introduction of Alex, an innovative AI-powered digital human designed to enhance the learning experience of sailing enthusiasts worldwide. NauticEd has become one of the pioneering marine-associated companies to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) in its educational programs.
Accelerate your Sailing with Virtual Reality
Accelerated Learning with VR. Virtual Reality training in every physical field is proving to be more effective as well as faster learning. Learning sailing is particularly relevant for VR.
Navigation Tools
No matter the chart in use, the navigator’s work largely involves the determination of direction and distances. The most useful tools for actual chart work are...
Boat Safety Sound Signals
Sound signals are defined and prescribed in the Navigation Rules for International and Inland Waters. Sound has an advantage over light signals, in that it can be used when vision fails.
Sailing Vessel Preparation
Sometimes it is a good idea to get nasty stuff out of the way first as well as prepare your boat and crew.
We all make Mistakes. It’s what you do about them that counts
The lesson here is clear: To excel in sailing, one must remain at the top of their game. My mishap could have been prevented if I had been regularly practicing docking maneuvers in various scenarios and wind conditions...
Lights on ATONS
Lights are installed on some ATONS. The lights are usually alternating on and off on some consistent interval to distinguish one ATON from another.
Sailboat Solar Power
Solar panels produce DC power and are used to charge the batteries. A relatively small solar panel such as 1 square foot (0.1 m2) can produce about 1½ amps at...
The Nautical Chart
Safely maneuvering a vessel while using positions derived from various coastal and near coastal sources is called coastal navigation.
Sailboat Design
Surely, the first sailboat was invented by a five-year-old child with a block of wood. He or she stuck a twig through a piece of animal skin and then down into a knothole in the wood.
Crew Safety Briefing
You can avoid many emergencies by conducting a proper safety briefing before leaving the dock.
Using Spring Lines for Docking
A spring line is just a dockline that is placed strategically from the boat to the dock to help maneuver and turn the boat in place - get it safely into the dock or safely away.
Sailing and Wind Forces
A sailboat moves in upwind and downwind directions. Downwind is intuitive; it just gets blown downwind. But just how does a sailboat move into the wind?
Non-Electronic Communications
Sailing has been around for thousands of years. Electronic Communications has been around for less than 100 years (not counting the telegraph).
Sailboat Generator or Large Battery Bank?
Dedicated electric generators on board sailboats are usually only reserved for large sailboats because of their weight and size. Unless there is a desire for large amounts of electricity...
Sailboat Wind Power Generators
Wind-power generators are typically installed only on ocean-crossing vessels, where the vessel is away from the marina for extended periods of time and where there is a need for conserving onboard fuel.
Bilge Pumps
An emergency bilge pump(s) is a very significant electrical device on any vessel. This pump is used to pump out water that may collect, for whatever reason, in the bilge.
Sailboat Diesel Closed Water System
The second sailboat cooling system fluid is called the closed or coolant water system.
Electric Windlass
An electric windlass is a powerful electric winch that greatly helps in the lowering and raising the anchor.
Standing Rigging
To keep the mast from toppling over, an array of rods, cables, ropes (lines), and wires are attached at various spots on the mast and run down to the bow, stern, and sides of the vessel.
Sailboat Mooring Procedures
The procedure for tying to a mooring is theoretically very easy. You simply motor up and using a boat hook, grab the float and attach to it to your boat. It sounds simple but you will see many dismal failures when watching others try it.
Running Aground
In the information age, running aground is usually caused by an amateur mistake, and besides the potential damage, it is also highly embarrassing.
Clouds, Fog, Thunderstorms
Clouds can give a relatively easy and quick look at what might be coming in the future. These clouds then are a good indication of possible changing weather in the next few days.
Shore Power Connection
One of the more common sources of fire on a boat is a loose connection of the shore power to the receptacle plug on the stern of the boat.
Sailboat Diesel Engine Fluids
Diesel engines make use of a variety of fluids, including raw and coolant water, diesel fuel, and lubricating oil. A problem in the flow of any one of these fluids can cause problems...
Sailboat Diesel Water Systems
Diesel engines run hot because of high compression and therefore need to be cooled. Fortunately, ample cooling is readily available from the water the vessel is sailing in.
Raising the Alarm in Emergencies
A comprehensive list of how and the equipment used to raise the alarm in sailing emergencies
Electronic Communications
Nowadays, gigabytes of data can be sent in a second as a digital signal. It is all a complete Wow!
Sailboat Diesel Engine
Thanks go to Mr. Rudolf Diesel who years ago in Germany cleverly invented an engine that today bears his name (luckily, they chose to use his last name)—the sailboat diesel engine.
Crew Overboard
Crew ("Man") Overboard (MOB) is fortunately relatively rare, but chances are that in your sailing career it will happen.
Fire on a Sailboat
Putting out fires quickly is essential. The sooner you find the source the quicker the fire can be extinguished.
Sailing Directions
Directions are super important because while sailing, you will always be in communication with others regarding directions of obstacles, wind changes, your destination, water current, and other boat traffic.
Unfurling or Raising the Sails
You have motored your vessel from the slip into open water and are now ready to either unfurl or raise the sails, depending on your setup.
Sailboat Battery Charging
Like a water bucket, batteries have a specific storage capacity and must be refilled/recharged when their contents of energy are depleted.
Sailboat Battery Usage
Batteries are a vessel’s major source of power for many essential functions both when in the slip and while sailing.
Electronic Navigation
We are well into the 21st century. Chances are that within 30 feet (10 meters) of you right now there are 2-3 GPS-enabled potentially lifesaving devices...
Why Anchor?
There are many reasons for anchoring your boat...
Types of Anchors
Anchor design has been the focus of much research over thousands of years, and as a result, there are
Sailboat Balance
Below is an animation that shows the balance of forces: actually it is technically the balance of a concept called “moments.”
Sailboat Engine and House Systems
Perhaps the most important use of DC power on a vessel is for starting the engine. Considerable power is needed for this task and if the engine does not start immediately...
Anchoring Rode and Scope
To hold a sailboat, the anchor must naturally be attached to the vessel. This is accomplished by using “rode,” which is either all chain or a combination of rope (nylon line) and chain.
Sailing Safety Introduction
Emergencies at sea extend from simple and almost funny episodes to major challenges that are extremely serious.
Boat and Equipment Emergencies
The character MacGyver in the TV show of the same name would have made a great sailor. Why? Because he could fix anything and a boat is a concoction of a kajillion gadgets busting to rot...
Sailing Wind Velocity & Direction
The faster the boat sails into the wind, the more the apparent wind speed increases and the more it feels like it is coming from the front of the boat. They say "The apparent wind is forward of the true wind". This means the apparent wind feels like it comes from a more forward direction than the true wind.
Tacking and Gybing Maneuvers
Tacking when you want to sail in a direction to exactly where the wind is coming from— guess what—you can’t! The best we can do is to follow a zig-zag course by sailing at about 30 to 40 degrees off the wind...
Understanding Weather Systems
Weather is a highly complex natural phenomenon. Globally, it is all connected and operates on a multitude of physical laws.
Motor Sailing
If the wind is light and your time is short you might want to consider motor-sailing—using your auxiliary engine...
Diesel Fuel
The search, discovery, refinement and resource control of fuel has a rich and very sordid history. But just like...
Sailboat Running Rigging
A sailboat’s running rigging consists of those items controlling the sails and helping the sails to capture the wind’s energy.
Types of PFDs
Types of PDF's Here is a graphical explanation between a lifejacket and a buoyancy vest. PFD Type ratings are being phased out...
Key Sailboat Instruments
Sailboat Instrumentation can be very sophisticated and intelligent. Most electronic displays provide a wide range of menus of useful information...
Alternating Current and Direct Current
In your house, your wall outlets deliver alternating current (AC) electricity. The electricity provided to your house and your marina from the national electric grid is AC. Most of the devices...
Marine Batteries
The source of DC power is usually one or more marine-grade batteries, normally 12 volts each. They are similar to automobile batteries, except sturdier—and of course more expensive.
Chart Symbols
Studying a harbor layout does very little good without understanding the symbols and what they signify. It pays to
Weighing Anchor
“Weighing the anchor” simply means raising it. If raising the anchor is to be done by hand...
Personal Flotation Devices
The terms “life jacket” and “PFD” are interchangeable, with the latter used in the USA and the former used in most of the rest of the world.
Starting the Diesel Engine
Prior to starting the diesel engine: Become familiar with how and when a vessel’s transmission gear shift...
Dock Line Release
Have a dock line untying plan based on the wind and the current direction and then communicate this to the crew. Depending on which is stronger...
Propeller Entanglement
If there is a sudden slowing or stopping of the engine while motoring it is possible that you have picked up some floating line, hopefully not from your vessel.
Dinghy Safety!
When it comes to dinghy operations, the following is a dangerous attitude: “It’s only a short distance ashore—jump in...
Clothing for Sailing
Dressing appropriately for weather conditions is an important but often overlooked topic. Weather in the marina may be considerably different from weather beyond the marina and conditions can drastically change during your venture.
Electrical Measurements
To be prepared and understand electrical power usage on a modern vessel, it is important to learn a few basic terms and concepts.
Electric Devices and Standards
A word of caution whenever using any home AC appliances on a vessel. Generally, these devices will work fine
Hull and Keel
A sailboat’s hull and keel receive considerable attention from a sailboat designer since they determine the capacity of the vessel, how fast it will go, and the degree of safety and comfort.
Using Multiple Anchors
There are occasions when more than one anchor will add safety and comfort. One possibility is to use one or two anchors...
Sailing Safety Equipment
There is a plethora of equipment specially designed for a variety of emergencies at sea. Some are inexpensive...
Sailing Personnel Emergencies
As the skipper of a vessel, you are expected to be able to handle situations thrust upon you at a moment’s notice. Many of these situations are boat-related issues, but there are also crew injury issues for which you should be prepared to assess and handle at least enough until professional assistance arrives.
Helpful Hints about Wind
Since the existence of wind is the primary reason we can sail, it is prudent to know all we can about it.
Take Note When the Boat Heels Over or Stands Up
At a sailing group meeting, someone mentioned they were having trouble determining if the boat was pinching or not.
Weather Warnings
Weather services will also provide weather warnings, such as small craft or gale warnings for a certain area, as well as fog predictions.
The Ionian Islands: Corfu Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of a Corfu yacht charter and sailing vacation in the Ionian Islands? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
The Ionian Islands: Lefkas Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of an Antigua yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
Cyclades Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of a Greece - Cyclades yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
Diesel Raw-Water System
Raw-water means that the water is straight from outside the boat. It might be seawater - it might be
Mast Head and Fractional Rigging
There are two variations on the standing rigging set up: Masthead and Fractional. On masthead rigs, the attachment point for the sidestays (shrouds), forestay, and backstay (if they exist) is at the top of the mast.
Crew Briefing Video
It is important to know how much experience your crew has before you embark on any sailing adventure. For our boat, we created a video walkaround introduction to the boat covering safety items and also just general items on how we want our boat looked after.
Waves, Swells, and Depth
Since waves are primarily the result of surface wind action, they can be accurately predicted. Waves have troughs and crests.
Navigation Introduction
The history of navigation is fascinating and dates back to as many centuries as we can imagine.
World’s First Virtual Reality Sailing Training Performed
In a groundbreaking endeavor, a student in Hawaii and an instructor in Austin, Texas were virtually transported aboard the same vessel, set amidst the picturesque Sydney Harbor. For 40 impactful minutes, they engaged in an immersive on-the-water sailing training tutorial, accomplishing what traditionally requires five hours in a real-water environment.
Know Your Chart!
Always familiarize yourself with any chart before using it for navigation and plotting of positions; there are significant differences between charts that could lead to mistakes.
Sailboat Diesel Engine Operation
As noted earlier, diesel engines are sturdy and highly reliable, and operating them today is straightforward.
Anchoring Courtesy
After safely and securely anchoring your vessel, there are certain factors to contend with - most are common sense.
Mooring a Sailboat
Mooring a vessel means attaching it to a float that is firmly and permanently anchored to the sea bottom.
Global Positioning System
GPS stands for global positioning system. It uses a network of satellites in orbit. Although the GPS is used as a navigation device, it is also a form of communication to the vessel.
Top 10 Sailing Superstitions
Sailors have long believed that certain things can bring good or bad luck on a voyage. And many still believe these sailing superstitions!
Spinning Propeller
As you sail along, the water flowing over your propeller will cause it to spin. Some sailboats are fitted with a special alternator that will create electricity...
Sailboat Inverters
Sailboat Inverters are devices used to convert 12-volt DC battery electricity to AC 110-volt or 220-volt electricity. Special electronics in
Sailboat Electrical Panels
The sailboat electrical panel, located at the navigation station, normally has two distinct and separately marked sections; one section is devoted to 110-volt or 220-volt AC power and...
Sea Anchor
Finally, there is something called a “sea anchor.” These can be a variety of devices used to slow down a vessel caught in high winds and turbulent seas.
Returning a sailboat to the Slip
Time flies when you are sailing. But sadly, the moment comes when you must return and put your vessel back in its slip.
Sailboat Maneuvering Topics
With practice, wind direction and current direction are not too much of a problem. But what can get you into trouble is extremely high winds. Be prepared to change...
Sailboat Fire Extinguishers and Requirements
Fire Extinguishers Fire Extinguishers are given a letter rating that matches the type of fire they will be battling.
Weather Predictions
While we have touched on weather concepts in this Module, no one can expect you to be a meteorologist (unless you are one) and do a good enough job at predicting the weather with enough quality to guarantee your safety.
Navigation Units
Sailors are forever measuring stuff. This brings us to the subject of navigation units. As we all remember from the good ol’ school days, measurement is the process of comparing something with an established standard.
Basic Surface Geometry
Below is a brief summary of how locations are commonly expressed on different surfaces.
Aids To Navigation (ATONS)
Aids to Navigation include buoys, lights, lighthouses, and markers, among others...
Vessel Lights and Shapes
Nighttime can be a beautiful time to sail. However, night vision is not the same as day vision and so rules have been established to ensure safety.
Securing Your Sailboat
It is convenient to have dock lines that are pre-set to the right length with loops on the end and are permanently mounted onto the marina cleats. Now, when you return to the dock you simply slip the loops over your vessel cleats.
Reefing the Sails
Before heading out, check forecasted wind conditions to see if you might need to reef at some point during the day. If so, make appropriate reefing preparations in the calm marina and ensure your crew knows the procedure.
Sailing Heave To
When you have successfully hove-to (heaved-to), your sailboat will be in a stable situation with the mainsail and headsail still up. Your forward speed will be minimal and...
Holding a Straight Course in Sailing
Holding a straight course is an imperative skill to master as you learn to sail. As an experienced sailor, nothing is more distracting to a good day out sailing than a novice helmsperson swinging the boat in all directions.
Latitude and Longitude
The latitude and longitude coordinate system is the key navigational concept for sailing. It is the mariner’s coordinate system.
Angle of heel on a sailboat
Heeling over or “heeling” on a sailboat is when it leans over. Learn what angle of heel on a sailboat is acceptable...
The Saronic Islands, Argolic Gulf, and the Peloponnese Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Sail the Saronic Islands, Argolic Gulf & Peloponnese in Greece for a perfect blend of relaxation & exploration. Book a yacht charter today!
Turkish Aegean Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
A Turkish Aegean yacht charter to the "Cradle of Civilization" promises an immersive experience of island exploration and ancient history
Turkey Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
A Turkey Yacht Charter provides a captivating journey through a blend of ancient history, stunning landscapes, and a vibrant coastal culture.
Turkish Riviera Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of a Turkish Riviera yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
Navigating The Virgin Islands Paradise
There is no better way to explore the various Virgin Islands regions than by sea and by boat. A yacht charter allows you freedom and flexibility. But which of the Islands group should you visit - discover here.
How to and Why Authenticate a Boating Logbook
Whenever you are out on the water sailing, the SailTies app will create a GPS real-time track of your every movement and display it on a map. You can see every tack, gybe, knock, and lift. The guys at SailTies did such an amazing job of creating a user-friendly app for GPS tracking that we decided to hook up with them and allow their data to directly feed right into the student NauticEd logbook.
Seamanship Nav Rules
Navigation rules refer many times to good seamanship, The best advice we can give here around seamanship is to get experience...
Action by a Stand-On Vessel Nav Rule
Strangely enough, the written text for the action of a Stand-On vessel is longer than that of a Give-Way vessel.
Boat Heading vs Sail Set and Forces on the Sail
The set of your sail depends on your sailing angle to the wind. You're working to maximize the aerodynamic forces on the sail.
Fairlead Control
The fairlead is the first control device that the jib sheet passes through on its way back to the cockpit. You can move the fair lead forward or backward.
Sailboats Under Power
A Sailboat Under Engine Power is a Power-Driven Vessel Rule 3(c) The term “sailing vessel” means any vessel under sail provided that propelling machinery...
Overtaking Vessels
When overtaking another vessel, we quote the rules exactly because they are incredibly clear...
Maintaining a Lookout
The Rule Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as...
Vessels in Restricted Visibility
What is the safe speed at night, in fog? As safe as it needs to be under good seamanship.
Best Mediterranean Wine Regions to Explore on a Yacht Charter
Raise your glass and embark on a unique voyage, and discover the Best Mediterranean Wine Regions to Explore on a Yacht Charter.
Best Family-Friendly Charter Destinations
Whether the sailing adventure is bareboat or captained - everyone will have fun discovering the best family-friendly charter destinations.
Yacht Charter Options
From the freedom of bareboat to the luxury of all-inclusive, find your ideal sailing adventure and yacht charter options.
True Wind vs. Apparent Wind
Learn the basic difference between True Wind and Apparent Wind...
Winged Sail Vector Diagrams
Sail and Winged Sail Wind Force Vector Diagrams. And it's highly relevant right now because of the America's Cup AC45 catamarans using winged sails.
Risk of Collision when Sailing
The Rule of Risk of Collision is that every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances...
Head-on Nav Rules Situation
The Rule (a) Unless otherwise agreed when two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal...
Responsibility between Vessels Nav Rules
Every vessel has a definition of being one and only one of the below at all times. And each vessel has the ability to morph from one to the other.
Maldives Yacht Rally 2024
Mark your calendars and prepare for an unforgettable journey! The rally is scheduled to commence on February 10th and sail until February 29th. Covering over 10 picturesque islands and anchoring at 7 breathtaking points, we invite you to join us as we navigate through the wonders of the Maldives.
Keeping the Telltales Flying Steady
As a sailor we are doing one of two things when it comes to sail trim, either holding a course or trimming to our sails...
Basic Sail Telltale Control
Controlling the Telltales by Trimming the Sail. The concept here is actually pretty simple. The golden rule is, when...
Sailboats vs Sailboats Nav Rules
Sailboats On The Same Tack The Rule 12 a(ii) when both have the wind on the same...
Safe Speed Nav Rule
The Rule Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can...
Narrow Channels and Traffic Separation Schemes
Rules 9 and 10 deal with narrow channels and traffic separation schemes, and mainly refer to larger commercial traffic...
Crossing Situations Nav Rules
The Rule 15 (a) when two power-driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel...
Understanding How Airflow Creates Lift
Understanding how Airflow creates lift and the need for smooth airflow when sailing...
Some Navigation Rules Terminology
Understanding Navigation Rules begins with learning some basic Navigation Rules terminology...
Action to Avoid Collision
When you reach the section on who is responsible to give way to whom - in certain circumstances...
Action by a Give-Way Vessel
The Nav Rule Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel shall...
When Turbulent Flow Happens in Sailing
An airplane stalls and falls out of the sky when the wings stop producing as much lift, similar to when turbulent air flow happens in sailing...
Air Flow over the Sails
Similar to steady flight, we've got to keep the air flowing over the sails smoothly...
Luffing and Backwinding Sails
Luffing is when the sail is flapping in the wind. Back winding happens usually right before luffing occurs.
Holding a Constant Heading while Adjusting the Sails
We're heading to a specific point on land or a compass heading. Thus we need to keep the sails flying effectively...
More Basic Sail Twist
The wind at the top of the mast has more heeling leverage on the boat than the wind lower...
Belize Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of a "The Jewel" Belize yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
Sail Twist Basics
How can the wind direction be different between the top of the mast and the bottom?
Basic Telltale Control continued
Controlling the telltales by making course adjustments - when making the woolies fly by making course adjustments the rule is...
Thinking of a Grenada yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
Best Angle to the Wind when Sailing
Here's a diagram to show you what "degrees off the wind" means. Sails, unlike wings, get their shape from the wind pressure against the fabric....
High Wind and Gust Management in Sailing
Professional sail trimmers deal with high winds and gusts by managing the traveler and mainsheet simultaneously. The fairlead position...
Saint Vincent & The Grenadines
Thinking of a Grenada yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
Top 10 Beaches in Northern Sardinia
When it comes to dreamy beach destinations, Costa Smeralda and La Maddalena Archipelago in Sardinia stand out as true jewels of the Mediterranean. Nestled in the northern region of Sardinia, Italy, these coastal paradises boast some of the most captivating beaches known for their pristine beauty, crystalline waters, and enchanting landscapes.
Lifts and Knocks in Sailing
Lifts and Knocks are technical terms for how the direction of the wind changes, requiring changes in how you respond while sailing...
Sail TellTales
"Telltales" attached to the sail in strategic positions to "tell" us what the wind is doing at that exact location.
Yacht Chartering Guide
Yacht Charter Guide and 'how to' from the experts at NauticEd to plan and arrange sailing vacations anywhere in the world.
NED Sailing Simulator
Before you play with NED, the sailing simulator, read this first. The graphic below is representative of a real wind meter on...
The Job of a Sail Trimmer
Sail trimmers in world-class regattas spend years reading and understanding the wind relative to the sails. Sometimes they trim the sheets only a few inches/cm...
Terms Port – Starboard – Forward – Aft
In discussing sail trim, certain terminologies must be understood and so we are presenting a few basics to get you started
Names of Thingys in Sailing
There's a lot of terminology in sailing, and to get started with sail trim we recommend beginning with some key sailing "thingy" terms.
Sailing in the Mediterranean Tips
If you are going sailing in the Mediterranean, here are some great Sailing in the Mediterranean Tips to help plan and enjoy your trip.
How to use Weather Data – FREE Nov. 15 Webinar
FREE Webinar on how to use weather data to stay safe on the water. Navigating the Weather – Essential Tips & Tools for Safety.
Dual Rudder: Maneuvering Under Power
When a monohull sailboat has dual rudders, it will act differently than with a single rudder, so knowing what these differences are and how to manage them will save you a lot of headaches (and will keep you safer).
Learn How to Maneuver in a Marina like an Expert
Become an expert at maneuvering and docking your sailboat in a marina. Learn over 360 fundamental docking scenarios with no fear of mistakes. The MarineVerse/NauticEd Virtual Reality App on meta quest contains a Maneuvering and Docking a Sailboat Under Power experiential training course whereby the physics is essentially identical to a real situation.
Empowering Women in Sailing
Instructor Merilee Wright discusses her passion for empowering women to learn to sail and become role models for others.
Maneuvering a Catamaran
How to maneuver a catamaran in a marina with rudders forward and aft of the propellers, including animations on how the Catamaran responds.
What is a flotilla?
Learn about how to join a flotilla and have an incredible sailing vacation.
Meet Sailing Instructor Warren Brown – New Zealand
Meet top sailing instructor Capt. Warren Brown in Auckland, New Zealand. Warren loves to coach sailors on his 38 ft catamaran. He loves to sail the oceans around New Zealand and Vanuatu in the Pacific.
What is Propwalk on a Sailboat?
What is propwalk? You want your new sailboat to go backwards but you keep going sideways. Welcome to propwalk.
Meet Sailing Instructor Merilee Wright – Toronto
Meet top sailing instructor Merilee Wright. Merilee brings an amazing level of enthusiasm and passion to sailing training.
Meet Sailing Instructor John Sezer – Washington
Meet top sailing instructor Capt. John Sezer in Washington State. John brings an amazing level of enthusiasm and passion to sailing training.
Hybrid Propulsion Systems for Sailboats
We discuss the advantages of the diesel-electric hybrid solution for sailboats and why now, more than ever, is the time to install such a system on your new or used vessel.
International Certificate of Competence (ICC)
Do you need the ICC license to sail internationally? Learn what you need to know to obtain your ICC International Certificate of Competence.
NauticEd and MarineVerse Launch World’s First Virtual Reality Navigation Rules Course
NauticEd and MarineVerse today jointly announced the launch of the world's first-ever Virtual Reality Navigation Rules Training Course. This fully immersive VR course is designed to make learning navigation rules both enjoyable for users and effective for educators, using gamification techniques to entertain and increase knowledge retention.
Sail Trim – How do sails work?
Learn how to raise or unfurl sails in this brief glimpse into one of our introductory sailing courses.
NauticEd and SailTies Partner to Authenticate Sailing Logbooks with GPS Tracking and Sharing
NauticEd and SailTies Partner to Authenticate Sailing Logbooks with GPS Tracking and Sharing, a powerful integration for users and charterer companies.
Learn Lateral Marks in Virtual Reality
Learn Lateral Marks in virtual reality. Grant gives an example of the lateral marks combined with Cardinal Marks in VR.
How to Raise or Unfurl Sails
Learn how to raise or unfurl sails in this brief glimpse into one of our introductory sailing courses.
Most Important Sailing Knots
These 8 sailing knots are the first ones you should master as you learn how to sail. Practice these (and then a couple of extras) to continue your online sailing education journey.
Ultimate Sailor Toolkit
NauticEd offers sailors a FREE online toolkit, filled with essentials you'll need to gain competency and charter around the world.
Anchoring with Lines Ashore – Mediterranean Style
Master anchoring with lines ashore - essential for boat owners and on charter boats, especially the Mediterranean.
Common Bareboat Chartering Mistakes
Bareboat chartering a new boat in a new place is sure to throw you for a loop. Here are common bareboat chartering mistakes to avoid.
How do Polar Plots Work on a Sailboat?
The polar plot on a sailboat shows the speed the sailboat goes at a specific angle to the wind at a specific wind speed. Read this article to understand how they work and how to read a polar plot.
The Chicken Gybe (Jibe)
Sometimes in sailing it’s smart to stay safe and not take the dare. The safe maneuver is called the chicken gybe (jibe).
Yacht Club and yacht club member special discounts and discounts on booking sailing vacations when booking through NauticEd.
Can I charter a Catamaran with only monohull experience
If you're like most, you want to charter a catamaran but you have limited catamaran experience. How do you do that?
Best USVI Beaches
Sailing in the the US Virgin Islands provides a plethora of beaches with white sand and clear warm Caribbean water - explore the best USVI beaches.
Try a Family Sailing Vacation
A family sailing vacation offers quality time to share memorable adventures, learn new skills, and build relationships.
USVI Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of a USVI yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
What is Sail Twist and how to use it
Managing sail twist can increase the performance, speed, and control of the sails. What is Sail Twist and how to use it...
Meet Sailing Instructor Mark Noneman – Catamarans!
Meet pro Catamaran sailing instructor Mark Noneman of Calypso Sailing. Learn more about Mark, how he got started, and his advice to sailors.
A Stopper Knot in Time Saves…
For a beginner or advanced sailor, a properly tied stopper knot will always keep your line accessible and in its proper place.
NauticEd and MarineVerse Launch World’s First Virtual Reality Sailing Course
The virtual reality sailing training is expected to revolutionize sailing education by better preparing and entertaining sailors.
Meet Sailing Instructor Amanda Swan – New Zealand
Meet top sailing instructor Capt. Amanda Swan in New Zealand. Over 380,000 ocean miles, including the first all-women Whitbread yacht, sailed from the Arctic to Antarctica... 30 years of sail-training. Wow!
Virtual Reality Relaxed Training (because real sailing can be scary)
Sailing doesn’t need to be scary. It’s simply a skill that you can master. Not just learn. Master. Sure, you need to take some courses and practice, but every single concept you learn, every single time you practice, you are building a depth of knowledge that slowly chips away at fear. Plus, now you can practice with a virtual reality sailing course!
Latitudes and Attitudes Magazine Subscription
Here’s a FREE OFFER from NauticEd and the folks at Latitudes & Attitudes Magazine. Get the #1 selling boating magazine, Lats & Atts, for free!
The Saronic Gulf Sailing Charter Itinerary
If you have ever wanted to cruise the Greek islands, look no further than a charter out of Athens and a week sampling the many quaint destinations of the Saronic Gulf and eastern Peloponnese. This itinerary and trip recap comes from NauticEd member James Brown.
Sea Monster Story: Katabatic Winds
Well actually not so terrifying and not REALLY a sea monster BUT ... We spent about 20 minutes starring at the effect of katabatic winds blasting down the valleys and exploding into the water.
Virtual Reality Sailing Training
NauticEd Creates Partnership to Launch VR Sailing Training. Learn more about NauticEd's Virtual Reality Sailing Training.
Helpful Yacht Charter Topics and FAQs
Chartering can be complicated. We've simplified it with this series of articles covering helpful yacht charter topics and FAQs.
Basic Sailing Terms for the New Sailor
Nautical language has a long and storied history, with many basic sailing terms that can completely confuse the newcomer.
Rhodes and Dodecanese Sailing Itinerary
A simple charter sailing itinerary for sailing the Rhodes and Dodecanese area. Read more about Dodedanese sailing here.
What is apparent wind?
Both the speed and angle of apparent wind can vary depending on your velocity, which has important implications for sailing. What is apparent wind?
Puerto Rico Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of a Puerto Rico yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
NauticEd Launches Fight against Childhood Cancer
Together, we can help to solve pediatric brain cancer. We are proud to launch today, a "help fight childhood cancer donation" option...
Guadeloupe Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Bahamas Abacos Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of a Bahamas Abacos yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
Grenada Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of a Grenada yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
Sailing Basics: How to use a VHF Radio
Your VHF radio is your best way to communicate with other boats on the water, with marinas, and with the coast guard, if necessary. Learning to use it, however, is a little like learning a new language.
Saint Lucia Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of a St. Lucia yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
Antigua Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of an Antigua yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
BVI Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking of a British Virgin Islands - BVI yacht charter and sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers and suggestions for you here.
Practical Guide to Chartering in Central Croatia
Thinking about chartering in central Croatia? This is a practical guide of everything we did with hidden secrets and a great suggested itinerary. Learn what you need to know here.
Benefits of Flotilla Sailing
There are so many benefits of flotilla sailing, chartering a sailboat, and joining a group of like-minded sailors.
2023 June Ionians Greece Flotilla
Come join the NauticEd June 2023 Greece family friendly flotilla
2023 July – Sardinia, Italy Flotilla
Come join the NauticEd family and friends sailing flotilla in Sardinia in June & July 2023.
How to Pick Up a Mooring Ball
The principle is simple - motor downwind past your selected mooring ball and back up to it. Run a line from the forward cleat outside the stanchions...
Greece Yacht Charter & Sailing Vacations
Greece is a sailing vacation dream destination. But, it is more than just history, culture, arts, and food. . The birthplace of Western civilization features beautiful crystal clear Mediterranean waters and a vast collection of pristine islands. We’re breaking it all down in this informational blog to help you chart your next Greece getaway.
Croatia Yacht Charter & Sailing Vacations
There are many areas of the Croatian coast to visit. Learn which Croatia yacht charter destination best suits your sailing vacation needs.
Mediterranean Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
A Mediterranean yacht charter is the best way to enjoy one of the world's most diverse sailing vacation destinations. From old-world charm to stunning beaches and landscapes...
What is a Sailing Vacation?
Learn the basics of a yacht charter sailing vacation and a sailing flotilla.
Bahamas Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
Thinking about going on a Bahamas - Exumas sailing vacation? We have got some of the answers for you here.
Martinique Yacht Charter & Sailing Vacations
Known as the flower island, Martinique is a beautiful French island in the Caribbean. Learn more about a Martinique Sailing Vacation.
Best Things To Do on a U.S. Virgin Islands Sailing Charter
When you’re traveling around the US Virgin Islands (USVI) on a sailing charter, there’s a whole lot to enjoy.
Top 10 Best Sailing Movies
The Top 10 Best Sailing Movies, in our humble opinion. In no particular order, and with a mix of action, romance, drama, documentary, and comedy.
Top 10 Beaches in Croatia
Whether you’re looking for a remote beach or a party beach, you’ll be sure to find it among the best beaches in Croatia.
Top Ten Safe Boating Tips
Top 10 safe boating tips in recognition of safe boating awareness week this June. Learn how to be safe on the water.
Crewing on a Sailing Vacation
8 people confined in 40 sq m for a week? Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Well, not after you read this article. Crewing and skippering tips and ground rules.
Caribbean Yacht Charter and Sailing Vacations
The Caribbean is a sailor's paradise and year-round sailing destination. Explore top Caribbean sailing vacations island and charter bases.
Anchoring with side waves
Here is a trick on how to turn your anchored boat to fave the waves instead of facing the wind. It gives you a much smoother experience while anchoring with side waves.
The Racing and Yelling Thing
None of us like yelling on sailboats, and racing is a poor excuse for it. Quick advice on being a better skipper from Capt. Marc Hughston.
Meet Sailing Instructor Capt. Marc Hughston
Meet top sailing instructor Capt. Marc Hughston. Located in Long Beach CA, Marc is consistently one of the highest student rated instructors in the U.S.. Learn more about Marc...
Best Yacht Charter Locations in Croatia
There are four main areas to sail on the Croatian coastline. Each location is easily large enough for a 2-week sailing vacation and so those seeking only a week are confined to smaller areas within each location. Discover here which location is best for you.
#65 We gotta be Nuts
There is something that happens to me as soon as I see a small gap of water between my boat and the dock as I am leaving for a sail.... We gotta be nuts.
NauticEd are Expert Yacht Charter Agents. A yacht charter agent (sometimes called a yacht charter broker) is a charter industry expert who provides concierge services through the entire process of a yacht rental including the initial search, questions and advice, booking, and issues that arise during the charter.
Do I need a sailing license to sail around the world if I own my own boat?
The sailing license that you typically hear about is for yacht chartering only and only in certain areas of the world like the Mediterranean, Seychelles, and a few others. Learn more here....
Navigation Practice Exercise
Here is a simple navigation practice exercise to practice sailing (navigating) to a waypoint. The exercise is for you to plan to sailing upwind and to a waypoint with 2 tacks.
Maneuvering a Sailboat out of a Tight Slip
Maneuvering a Sailboat out of a tight slip does not need to be stressful or embarrassing. Learn how to use your spring line in challenging crosswinds.
Romantic Yacht Charter Destinations
There’s nothing more intimate or romantic than a sailing vacation. Whether in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, or more exotic locales, a romantic yacht charter is the ultimate in sailing adventure, tranquility, and romance.
NauticEd Friends and Family 2022 Croatia Flotilla
Join NauticEd for a family-friendly 2022 Croatia Flotilla. The Dalmatian coast is a great area for sailing as well as exploring the ancient cities, beaches, and hidden bays and coves. There are plenty of activities on and off the water for travelers of all ages.
Canary Islands Sailing Vacation – Salty Seamen
The Salty Seamen share their sailing vacation to the Canary Islands. A fun and informing blog written by Joseph Dieber and the intrepid Salty Seamen Sailing Team's adventure sailing the Canary Islands.
#89 Security is a kind of death
Did you ever notice the first thing a non-sailor will ask an experienced sailor is, “Have you ever been in a bad storm? I think Tennessee Williams said it best - Security is a kind of death.
Looking back, moving forward 2022
Over the Christmas break, Team NauticEd looked back at what we accomplished this past year - and we even shocked ourselves at what was achieved. It's obvious that we were working too hard and should have been sailing more.
NauticEd Holiday Sailor Gift Ideas
Gift ideas for your favorite sailor. Sailing is the gift that keeps giving whether by helping someone achieve their goals and dreams with a sailing course, spending time on the water with friends and family, or the ultimate of taking a sailing vacation or join a flotilla!!!
NauticEd Withdraws Endorsement of Integrel System
Why the Integrel system failed to reach its market potential.
Energy on your Boat
We discuss energy on your boat, how to manage energy, forms of generation, how much is used per day. Generators, solar, lithium-ion batteries etc
NauticEd 2022 Sailing Instruction
NauticEd has positioned itself well as the 21st-century solution to sailing education, building upon years of successful programs while leaning into the future of meeting students’ changing needs. Market shifts and trends have been addressed. Success tools for schools and Instructors alike have been developed. With the introduction of the Private Instructor program, there will be higher quality instruction available.
2022 September – NauticEd Greece Flotilla Sailing Vacation
Come join NauticEd on the September 2022 Greece flotilla sailing vacation. We heading to the Ionian sea where there are islands, villages, and the best Mediterranean restaurants abound.
Yacht Charter in Turkey
A sailing yacht charter in Turkey includes beautiful turquoise waters, history and a rich and varied Mediterranean culture.
Greece Sailing Vacation Guide
Greece is a sailing vacation dream destination. But, it is more than just history, culture, arts, and food. . The birthplace of Western civilization features beautiful crystal clear Mediterranean waters and a vast collection of pristine islands. We’re breaking it all down in this informational blog to help you chart your next Greece getaway.
Destination Inspiration | Plan the perfect sailing vacation
The team at NauticEd has been to just about every destination out there. Check out our blogs listed below and be inspired by some of our favorite destinations!
New Sailing T-Shirts and Tanks
Sailing is supposed to be fun! Check out our new line of fun NauticEd T-shirts and Tanks on the Amazon USA site.
Sailing in the Ionian Sea, Greece
Light winds and sunshine make the Ionian an ideal cruising ground for sailors and families. Located on Greece's west coast, the Ionian Sea boasts turquoise waters, protected moorage, beaches, and long summers - and many tavernas!
Childhood Cancer and Youth Sailing
September is Childhood Cancer Month
NauticEd’s Support…
10 Best Boat Drinks
Mixologist or not, you can make your sailing vacation a cut above the rest by mixing a few yummy drinks for your crew. You can even use your imagination once you start to realize what goes with what.
Leaving a Mooring Ball in a Tidal Current
One of our students, Tom, asked the below question after he…
Yacht Charter in Saint Martin
Recently, our Client Michael L. and friends went a Yacht Charter Saint Martin for a 1-week yacht charter on a Lagoon 42 ft Catamaran. We asked Michael to do a write-up of the area and his vacation.
How Does NauticEd Compare to ASA and U.S. Sailing
Born in 2008, NauticEd started with a vision to make sailing…
Latest Charter Deals
NauticEd are yacht charter agents. We charge the same price…
Catamaran Qualification and Training
How do I Switch to Skippering a Catamaran?
We get this call…
Sailing Certificate Standards
NauticEd has been operating as a premier sailing training body…
Buying a boat to put in yacht charter
Charter companies provide opportunities for you to sail extensively and get paid while you do it (reducing the cost of ownership). Buying a boat to put in yacht charter service can be a great way to achieve your sailing goals.
We recently interviewed Jim and Kristi Query, the owners of Virgin Islands Yacht Charters. We wanted to talk about their under-recognized sailing destination - the US Virgin Islands.
Predicting the Wind and Weather
NauticEd International Sailing Education forms a strategic partnership…
On The Water Training Standards
At NauticEd, we treat the word COMPETENCE very seriously. We…
Anchoring: How much rope or chain should I let out?
Anchoring and getting how much chain and rope right to let out is such an important topic that we thought we'd make this excerpt available for free in open space. Please enjoy how we dive into science and mathematics in these techniques.
Plastic Recycling in the British Virgin Islands
Guest written by Carrie Wright, founder of VI Plastics
The plastics…
How to Become a Sailing Instructor
Calling all good sailors who like people
Did you know that there…
Hollywood stars supporting Tracy Edwards MBE in her mission for girls’ education
NauticEd is super proud to support The Maiden Factor - a mission…
How to be a good skipper or crew member on a sailing vacation
This article was specifically written by Grant Headifen, Director…
Yacht Charter in the Canary Islands
At NauticEd, we admit it. We have not (YET) done a Yacht Charter in the Canary Islands! But from the sounds of it, it is a pretty amazing place and simple to get there. It's one of the more untouched and uncrowded sailing destinations.
What is a right-hand screw propeller or left-hand screw propeller?
What is a right hand screw propeller or left hand screw propeller?
Mooring, Anchoring, and Docking
Before you leave/approach a dock, pick up a mooring ball, or drop anchor, you must know what the wind and current will be doing to your boat.
Sail Local – Support Local – StaySailCation
We just coined a new phrase - StaySailCation. It means Support…
Europe’s SVN eMagazine and NauticEd Collaboration
Announcing a Perfect Alliance - Structure and Content
How to rig a temporary Barber Hauler on a Catamaran
Following on from last week's excellent post by SVN Magazine…
The Barber Hauler User Guide
The barber hauler owes its name to the Barber brothers, who introduced it for the first time in the 1950s to move the jib clew laterally and inwards to close the jib-mainsail channel and get a tighter angle on the wind. Over the years it has undergone a remarkable development....
British Virgin Islands Interactive Maps and Chart Briefing
The interactive maps are kept current and the British Virgin Islands Interactive Maps and Chart Briefing for yacht charterers gives a good round-up of information and what to expect down there when you go.
Top 10 Sailing Yacht Charter Destinations for 2020
NauticEd's Pick of the Top 10
Sailing Yacht Charter Destinations…
Winter Sailing Goals
Although there may be snow on the ground and the sailing…
Sailing Itinerary for Spanish Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico
Wow – I mean who would have thunk it? Why do people fly right…
Sail the Mediterranean
Sail the Mediterranean ... there is no place like it. It is a vast exploring ground, one where you could easily spend a lifetime.
NauticEd is hosting a family friendly flotilla to Central Dalmatia,…
The Very Best Ionian Yacht Charter Week 2
Our flotilla is filled with 8 boats. Below, you can take a look at our week two map and sailing itinerary.
FREE Sailing Guide & Itinerary for St Vincent & The Grenadines
Neil and Sam share their sailing experiences up and down the Caribbean - including a FREE Sailing Guide & Itinerary for St Vincent & The Grenadines.
Rubrics Assessment App for Instructors-Assessors
NauticEd's qualified instructors adhere to the American…
Delivering Hope and Basic Resources to Children in the Caribbean
This is such a great organization that was referred to us at…
The Very Best Ionian Sea Sailboat Charter Itinerary
One of the best decisions I’ve made of late is to lead a flotilla of sailboats in the Ionian Sea in Greece - giving the Best Ionian Sea Sailboat Charter Itinerary
Canal Boating in Holland
Seemingly slightly off NauticEd’s beaten track is a Power Canal Boat trip through the Holland canals.
Top 10 Apps for Planning a Sailing Vacation with Friends
So, you’ve decided you want to take a sailing vacation…
NauticEd talks to hot new sailing app savvy navvy
Talk about NauticEd disrupting the Sailing Education industry,…
2019 Sailing Opportunities
As part of the NauticEd experience, we offer a variety of…
What better way to celebrate the end of 2019 and the beginning…
NauticEd November 2019 Puerto Rico & Spanish Virgin Islands Flotilla
Turkey always tastes better in the warm waters of the Caribbean. …
Navigation: Rate and Direction (Set and Drift) exercises
Here are some Navigation rate and drift with leeway exercises…
Tide Calculation Pop Quiz
Tide Calculation Pop Quiz - here's are a quick few tidal problems for you to solve.
Join NauticEd’s affiliated school, On Deck Sailing, for an…
Poison Prevention Week: Hidden Hazards in the Hull
National Poison Prevention Week is the third week of March each…
NASA Engineer Endorses NauticEd
Here is a recent email from one of our students who happens to…
Last Minute Yacht Charter Deals
Updated Feb 22, 2019
Due to cancellations, we have two great…
Anchoring a Sailboat Tip 2
This is a follow on article on request of one of our students…
Mediterranean Sailing License and Dream Yacht Charter
Thinking about a Sailing Vacation in the Mediterranean?
Be my Valentine: Sailing with NauticEd 2019
The Love of Sailing
This Valentine's, we've lined up a whole…
How to Pick the Right Spot to Anchor
The seafloor type is a critical factor. Certain anchors hold better in certain bottom types. Look on the chart to find out the seafloor type where you are anchoring...
Bareboat Chartering: What is a sleep-aboard and do I need one?
A sleep-aboard means that you sleep on the board the boat the…
NauticEd Releases a Fun, Exciting, Fictional, and Educational Sailing Book for Kids
“A sailboat!” yelped Alex with glee as he uncovered his eyes…
Does my charter need to be exactly a week long?
Does it have to start and end on Saturday?
(Charter v. To rent…
Spartivento – Italian Yacht Charter Company
NauticEd Sailing Vacations Agency is the North American agency for Spartivento, an Italian Yacht Charter Company. At NauticEd, we have personally chartered from Spartivento twice in Italy, once in Sicily and once in the Amalfi Coast and we can report from personal experience that they are a professional company with a modern fleet and good customer service.
NauticEd has teamed up with affiliate sailing school Sailors…
10 Quick Tips to Save Money on a Sailing Vacation
There are many ways you can save money on a sailing vacation. From the booking process to the actual charter, these tips will help you save while still enjoying a fantastic charter adventure vacation.
What is a boating or sailing resume?
To charter a yacht on a sailing vacation (or a powerboat on a boating vacation) you absolutely must have a boating or sailing resume. A sailing or boating resume is the same as a job resume – it summarizes, in a very concise format, all of your accomplishments.
NauticEd best sailing education and sailing training program
Who has the best sailing training program out there?
March 2019
What is a Transit Log when chartering a yacht in the Mediterranean
Sometimes when looking at various boat charter options for chartering…
Sailing Education Technology
❝At the moment of the creation of our planet, the most beautiful…
What is The Biggest Lie in Sailing?
The biggest lie in sailing stems from sailing certifications alone as proof enough of competence to charter yachts.
Bareboat Chartering in Sweden – Salty Seamen
A pair of buddies and I set out for a late-season adventure sailing the Stockholm Archipelago. By “late season,” I mean bareboat chartering in Sweden in the last week of September.
Cruise the Sea of Cortez
Cruise the Sea of Cortez - Imagine a stunning cruising area with warm water, a good sailing breeze, and uncrowded anchorages.
Why Hire a Skipper for Your Sailing Vacation?
Hiring a skipper for your next sailing vacation has many advantages whether you’re a seasoned sailor or new to sailing vacations.
Types of Sailing Vacations
Just as there are a ton of fantastic sailing charter destinations,…
JUNE 2019
Nauticki Centar Pina (NCP): Croatian Yacht Charter Company
Every now and then, we like to feature a favorite Yacht Charter…
Charter Companies: How the NauticEd Sailing Certification Ranks Work
This is a brief for Yacht Charter Companies on How the NauticEd…
Sailing the Amalfi Coast: Our Itinerary and Podcast Discussion
Here is our Sailing the Amalfi Coast Itinerary, what we did, what we saw, and a podcast discussion of what was good and what was great.
Sail Magnificent Croatia as Easy as 123!
Every now and then, we at NauticEd hunt out niche yacht charter companies and feature them. Here is one that we have made friends within Croatia and their article about themselves.
Antigua Yacht Charter Sailing Vacation With Kids – Day 1
Our Antigua Yacht Charter Sailing Vacation With Kids - four families and 8 kids - and two Dream Yacht Charter Catamarans
This is Day 2 and 3 of our sailing vacation in Antigua with Dream…
This is day 4 and 5 of our yacht charter vacation with Dream…
Day 6 of our Sailing Trip in Antigua with Dream Yacht Charter
Antigua Yacht Charter Sailing Vacation With Kids
Chronicles of our sailing vacation to Antigua with Dream Yacht…
Bareboat Charter Guide: How to Charter a Sailboat on a Sailing Vacation
Perhaps you are a little intimidated by the process of how to charter a sailboat? Don't worry, here are all the facts.
How to gain your SLC Mediterranean Sailing and Boating License
You must have a Sailing License when chartering in the Mediterranean. Regardless of experience, you should have a SLC Sailing License.
How Much Experience is Required to Skipper a Yacht on a Sailing Vacation
In 2007, we started NauticEd because we saw a lack of consistent…
Malta—An Eclectic Beauty in The Heart of the Mediterranean
Malta is one of the world’s smallest and most densely populated countries. Only its three largest islands are inhabited: Malta Island, Comino (mostly a nature reserve), and Gozo.
Sailing License for the Mediterranean
This past week, NauticEd's SLC license was approved…
Yacht Charter Insurance – Damage Waiver
How does insurance work when chartering a yacht on a sailing…
Sailing Flotilla in Antigua
NauticEd Kid Sailing Flotilla Vacation
June 2-9, 2018
Nationally Recognized On The Water Sailing Endorsement Course
NauticEd is the first US sailing body offering a third-party verified course, complying with On-Water Recreational Boating Skills Standards.
2018 July Italian Flotilla
NauticEd Hosted an Italian Flotilla in July 2018
Also, see…
Sailing Training Vacations
Now, you can learn to sail, improve your sailing skills, and build your mileage...all while on a vacation.
Spinnaker Sailing Course
The NauticEd Sail Trim course now includes how to hoist, fly, and douse a spinnaker. Here is an animation embedded into the course so that you can learn the names of the components associated with a spinnaker.
Sailing Vacation in Antigua
NauticEd offers Yacht Charters and sailing vacation in Antigua via its affiliated Yacht Charter Companies.
FREE Sailor’s eLogbook
NauticEd gives all sailors a free online logbook
But some ask…
Americas Cup 2021
For sure the NauticEd team will be in New Zealand in 2021 watching…
Lines of Position
This is a Lines of Position exercise from our Coastal Navigation course, which is loaded with practical exercises.
New RYA School in the Grenadines
NauticEd is very excited to start working with Sail Grenadines,…
What Do You Mean I Don’t Qualify?
My Rant on the Sailing Certification Factories
This actually…
International Sailing License
PRESS RELEASE: NauticEd Announces Sailing License and Credentials…
Sailing Instruction and Assessment Standards USCG
NauticEd quickly moves to align its training and assessments to meet and exceed the new standard set by ANSI, a member of ISO.
How to Gain a Boating and Sailing License in the USA
How can an American gain an International Sailing and Boating…
Sailboat speed versus sailing angle
I nabbed this image off Pinterest via (…
Sailing in St Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada
Sailing in the Grenadines includes the beautiful islands in between Saint Vincent and Grenada. They make up part of the island of St Vincent and the Grenadines and the islands north of Grenada although neither the island of St Vincent or Grenada are part of the Grenadine islands.
Hurricane Irma Destroys Charter Fleet in BVI – Now Where?
Our hearts reach out to all those affected by Hurricanes Irma…
Sailing with Kids on a Sailing Vacation with Sunsail
How to take Kids on a Sailing Vacation
We took our kids on a…
Potty Talk and Ying and Yang
It's a sh*ty job but someone has to do it.
On our Beneteau 373…
GPS Tracking for Sailboats and Float Plan Filing
Now users can begin tracking all their sailing ventures using NauticEd’s Tracklink App. Available on iOS, and soon on Android devices.
Sailing in Sicily Day 5 through 7
This is the last 3 days of our sailing trip to the Aeolian Island in Sicily with Spartivento Yacht Charter on two Jeanneau 51.9s.
Sailing in Sicily day 3 and 4
Day 3: Sailing in the Aeolians Islands, Sicily with Spartivento…
Sailing in Sicily Day 1 and 2
The NauticEd team sailed the Aeolian Islands of Sicily in June 2017. Subsequently, we are rating Sailing in Sicily as the number one sailing vacation destination in the world - read why.
Number 1 Sailing Vacation Spot in the World
We went sailing in the Aeolian Islands, Sicily last week with Spartivento Yacht Charter Company. We’ve been fortunate to sail in just about every sailing vacation destination in the world and so people always ask me where is the best place. Until now, I have always responded with “each one is a 10”. But after visiting Sicily last week, I have to say: hands down, without a doubt, we are now rating the Aeolian Islands in Sicily as the number one best place on planet earth to take a sailing vacation.
More Nauticed Reviews
Just a couple of reviews and compliments from our students we've…
How to do a Mediterranean Mooring when the wind is nose on
First, what is a Mediterranean Mooring? Well it can be done anywhere but you mostly see it in the Med where it is required that you back the boat up to a (typically) concrete quay.
How does heeling angle create airfoil shape?
A student asked this question "How does heeling angle create…
10 Essential Tips for Chartering a Private Yacht
Also read our other article
Best Times to Book a Yacht Charter
Too often, clients call…
IALA-A and IALA-B Navigation Marks and Atons
Getting confused about Lateral Navigation…
Smartplug Stops Boats Burning to the Waterline
A SmartPlug is a must for your boat to replace the standard L5-30…
Favorite RYA Sailing Schools in USA, Canada and elsewhere
At NauticEd we have our list of Favorite RYA practical sailing…
NauticEd Awarded in the top 40 sailing blogs in the world
Good news today everyone!
The NauticEd blog has been awarded…
How to Spring into a Tight Space on a Dock
Maneuvering your gorgeous sailboat under power in the marina…
Bareboat Yacht Charter – Tonga or Tahiti?
One of our NauticEd students (Doug) called us today asking where to go on a sailing vacation. In particular, he was asking about a Bareboat Yacht Charter in Tonga or Tahiti. He had been to the Caribbean plenty of times and was looking for something a little different.
How to get others to pay for your new sailboat
Boat Sharing Article by Grant Headifen: Director of Education…
Navigation: Distance off a point method or double the angle
Each of our course pages has a nano-forum (called SeaTalks) attached…
Searching for a leak in the boat
If you don't know, water is supposed to be on the outside of the boat. Only Rum and a few other libations are supposed to be on the inside. Searching for a leak in the boat can be exhausting, and so here are some tips.
Sailing Vector Game
Learn Sailboat Giveway Rules and Cure Boredom at the Same Time.
What to Take and What to Provision on a Bareboat Charter Vacation
Many charter companies can stock and provision your boat before you arrive. This is a good idea for the basics but there is usually little imagination in the food that is supplied. So we recommend allowing the charter company to provision for basics but plan on a trip to the supermarket for the sometimes delectable local foods and cheeses.
Sailing Virgins in the BVI joins NauticEd
NauticEd Finds Sailing Virgins Sailing School
Only ten years…
Set and Drift or Direction and Rate Problem
Just for practice - solve the following problem on the Long Island…
Sailing Books by Nauticed
Announcing NauticEd's Books Series
But these aren't just any…
Sailing in the British Virgin Islands for 10 days – day 1
This is the start to a 10-day blog series sailing on a Lagoon 450 with the yacht charter company BVI Yacht Charters based in Road Town, British Virgin Islands. We used approximately the 10-day itinerary in the above google maps animation.
Sailing in the British Virgin Islands for 10 days – day 2
This is Day 2 of our sailing trip in the British Virgin Islands…
Sailing in the British Virgin Islands for 10 days – day 3 and 4
This is day 3 and 4 of sailing in The BVI with BVI Yacht Charters…
Sailing in the British Virgin Islands for 10 days – day 5
At the north west end of Cane Garden bay is the water and fuel…
Sailing in the British Virgin Islands for 10 days – day 6
This is Day 6 of sailing in the BVI with BVI Yacht Charters for…
Sailing in the British Virgin Islands for 10 days day 7
Come along for day 7 of our trip to the British Virgin Islands with BVI Yacht Charters of a Lagoon 45 Catamaran.
Sailing in the British Virgin Islands for 10 days – day 8-9-10
This is days 8, 9, and 10 of our 10 day sailing vacation in the…
Practical Training Course Matrix
With responsible sailing knowledge there is, of course, theory…
Lights on Navigation Markers (ATONS)
Bookmark this page for future use and reference.
This is a…
How to Operate a Dinghy Safely
Last week, NauticEd and crew went to the British Virgin Islands…
Bareboat Charter Athens Greece Day 1
We chartered a Catamaran from the Moorings in May 2016. We have to preface the whole Bareboat Charter Athens Greece report with a big OMG.
Bareboat Charter Athens Day 2
Bareboat Charter in Athens Greece with The Moorings
Sunday Day…
Bareboat Charter Athens Day 3
Monday Day 3 of 7 Hydra – Epimioni – Dhokos -- Spetsai
Bareboat Charter Athens Day 4
Tuesday - Day 4 of 7 days sailing with The Moorings in Greece:…
Bareboat Charter Athens Day 5
Day five of seven: Sailing out from Athens with The Moorings…
Bareboat Charter Athens Day 6
Day six of seven: Sailing out from Athens with The Moorings on…
Bareboat Charter Athens Day 7
Day 7 – Friday: Vathi to Perdika to Athens
How to get an International Sailing License
Yacht charter companies require a sailing resume as well as a legitimate sailing license. Make sure you have an acceptable sailing resume.
Sailing Tracking App
This is the help page for the TrackLink App.
We will continue…
Who Gives Way, Adrift Powerboat or Sailboat under power?
If you like this post, please LIKE it on facebook. Thanks - it…
Oregon Offshore International Yacht Race
Monitoring your Anchor Set
After the anchor has set and adequate rode has been paid out,…
All about Inflatable Life Vests
Inflatable PFD's
Chances are that you will be switching over…
ICC Assessments in USA
ICC - SLC Assessments in the USA
If you are considering a…
Why do an electronic sailors Logbook?
We recently were copied on an email from a school to one of our…
Test Question: How to Determine Speed and COG
Try to answer this coastal navigation question:
At 1035 your…
RYA Yachtmaster with NauticEd
Now you too are able to participate in the official Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Yachtmaster theory course, available online with NauticEd.
Snap Test: How well do you know the rules
Take this fun test and if you like it, - please like us over…
How to gybe a sailboat single handed
I do this all the time, but I was out with a friend the other…
Annapolis Boat Show 2015
This year, the NauticEd Crew had an absolute blast while attending…
Forereaching animation: How to sail in big waves
This post was inspired by the conversation I had with a student…
Waves and Forereaching
Here is a great question from a student with our answer below.
FREE Basic SailTrim Sailing Course
If you like that we made this course for free, LIKE us over there…
Tides and Coastal Navigation
ATTN: The NauticEd Coastal Navigation Course has been upgraded…
Preventing the Frustrating Auto-Tack
If you like this freebie tip, LIKE us over there ----> thx…
Names of things on the mainsail
Included below is a fun and interactive image that includes the…
NauticEd’s iPhone/iPad App
We think this is the world's best sailing App and for good reason.
How a Barber Hauler Works
If you like this post Please LIKE it and LIKE us on facebook…
How to Turn Your Sailboat in a Tight Marina
Turning your boat in a tight marina can be intimidating if you…
Angular Momentum When Backing into a Slip
Backing into a slip is indeed an art form. But once you learn…
High Wind Docking Maneuvers
How to back your sailboat into a slip with a high cross wind…
Deep Inside NauticEd’s Back End eLearning Software
If you think our eLearning Software is pretty cool please like…
NauticEd Sailing Nano-Forums
If you think this is the greatest idea on the planet or at least…
Entering Experience into your sailors logbook
Airline pilots, naval seamen, scientists and scuba divers all…
Another who gives way
(function() {
var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []);
NauticEd is now the official provider for the U.S. Naval Sea Cadets
Please give us kudos for this achievement by liking this on facebook.
Practical Competency vs ICC Assessment
Here is a question from one of our students and our answer:
How to Sail Your Boat to the Dock
We created these animations to show the process of sailing your…
Sheet In or Sheet Out?
Here are some great examples of how you can read the tell-tales…
Coastal Navigation Tools on Amazon
Coming soon we will have the Coastal Navigation Tools for the…
Head Up or Bear Away?
<img height="1" width="1" alt="" style="display:none"…
Drone Tour of Road Town Harbour BVI
Here is something pretty cool that we found. It's Rick Moore's drone tour of the Road Town Harbour in the BVIs.
How to ferry your boat into the dock
Ya gotta love this one. LIKE it on facebook please to spread…
Master of the Vessel vs Crew
Here is an excellent question from a student with our answer.…
How to Gain a Sailing Certification
I have just finished writing an eBook on How to Gain a Sailing…
Mast head light confusion
Here is a question from a Student who posted it on Disqus. I…
Sailing in Thailand – Day 3
If you like our trip - please LIKE it via facebook and g+1 it…
Blue Water Sailing Opportunities
"All hand's on deck for blue water sailing"
Over the next…
Sailing in Thailand – Day 2
This is Day 2 of our Sailing trip with the Moorings in Thailand.
How to Calculate Course To Steer (CTS)
If you like our problems and solutions, LIKE us on facebook and…
Sailing In Thailand – Day 1
Ok, raise your right hand and repeat after me “I promise to go sailing in Thailand before I kick the bucket”.The NauticEd team has just completed a familiarization trip in the Phuket Thailand cruising area.
Sailing Preparations Phuket Thailand – Tides
It’s one day out before we leave for Phuket, Thailand. We’re going to be bareboat chartering a Cat 4600 from the Moorings. Today I’m doing some final prep work. I have downloaded the World Tides 2015 App for $2.99. When I arrive and during the trip I want to be on top of the tides (pun intended).
How to calculate rate and direction aka drift and set
In the USA, the terms "set and drift" are often used when it…
New Updated Sailing App
If you like our App please LIKE this post on facebook and g+1…
Docking a Sailboat Requires a Plan
Here’s a couple of good docking stories and also see below…
How to solve a tide height using the rule of twelves
Here is a tide curve plot for any tides that follow the rule of twelves. None do exactly, but it can provide a rough approximation.
Navigation Rules Hybrid Paper/eBook
If you think this is pretty cool please LIKE it on facebook…
How to use a Tide Curve problem
Build on your knowledge of tide curves and learn how to advance your skills in properly using them to your advantage.
Sound Signals for Vessels
The basic sound signals you should know are shown below. This…
Can you solve this tidal problem?
In this sailing exercise, you'll be given a tidal problem. See if you have what it takes to solve it, or if you need a little more practice.
Living and Sailing in 2015 – a motivational rant by Grant.
If you like this please LIKE it via facebook and g+1 it.
Bareboat Charter Rank Requires Experience
Here is a great question from one of our students to one of our…
PRESS RELEASE: NauticEd Solves European Sailing License Problem
If you like this Press Release please LIKE it on facebook and…
Why a sailing resume trumps a sailing certification
If you think this post is right on the nail please LIKE it via…
Tides and the Rule of Twelves
Tides are often intimidating to sailors, but understanding tides can be made simple with the Rule of Twelves.
Longitude Mystery
The Longitude Mystery- zero degree line of longitude was selected and placed in Greenwich in 1751 and then in 1851 it was moved a few feet.
How to Steer a Sailboat
Sailing the helm of a sailboat should come naturally to you, just like riding a bike. Let's go over steering.
Maneuvering a Catamaran Advice
Here is an email we received from a student asking about how to dock a Catamaran. Let's go over the basics together.
How to use a Breton (Portland) Plotter
Today, we're discussing using a Breton Plotter, aka Portland Plotter, aka rotating protractor, to determine a course.
International Navigation Rules of Preventing Collision at Sea
Stand-On and Give-Way: You just might have it wrong...
Apparent Wind Speed vs True Wind Speed
How to Understand True vs Apparent Wind
Here is our latest wind…
New Style and Greatly Enhanced Sailors LogBook
The NauticEd Logbook has been greatly enhanced to add specific information about each logbook entry, helping the student experience.
Bareboat Chartering in Martinique
Bareboat chartering in Martinique is a hidden treasure in plan site. It is a big island in about the middle of the island chain between the British Virgin Islands and Grenada. It is a French territory and so if you like chocolate croissants and sailing - Martinique is a good match for you.
Sailing in St. Vincent
If you like this post - please LIKE it via facebook and G+1 it…
Anchoring a Sailboat when Chartering
Anchoring an unfamiliar boat
Most charter boats use all chain…
Sailing Vacation Attitude
Southern St Lucia is known for the swarming and pushy “official guides”. Each one claiming that they are the official. Years ago when I visited by land and sea I was overwhelmed and was glad to leave.
Bareboat Chartering – Shaking out the Bareboat Charter Dust
If you like this post - please LIKE it via facebook thanks…
Understanding Tides
If you like this animation explanation please "LIKE" it and g+1…
3 Reasons to Twist Your Sail Out
NauticEd is the World's Most Advanced Sailing Education and Sailing…
Sailing in High Winds
You’ve got to understand balancing the forces and what are the effects of each available sail control when sailing in high winds.
Combat Propwalk
Prop walk can be quite frustrating on sailboats with a drive shaft. Here are ways to deal with prop walk when backing into a slip.
Sail Trim Finesse
We are on a close haul at 30 degrees to the wind. I want…
Logbook Authentication by Crew Mates
1 Comment
You now have the optional ability to digitally authenticate your logbook via your crew mates. The value in this is enormous and exciting.
How to Effectively use a Wind Meter on a Sailboat
Using a Wind Meter - get your head out of the boat
Please consider…
How to Handle Wind Gusts and Rounding Up
Rounding up is so - so - so dangerous. Last weekend we were out…
How to be a good leader on a sailboat
Leadership and Friendship on a Sailboat Adventure
This is a…
Why a Sailboat does not tip over?
Why doesn’t a sailboat tip over? Here’s an animation that shows the balance of forces actually it is technically the balance of moments.
How to fuel up your sailboat
If you like this post - please "LIKE" it and g+1 it - It…
Get in the Mood to Sail a Catamaran
Wanna get in the mood of sailing a catamaran? Watch this video…
Solar Panels for boats
Using a Solar Panel for a boat
Lake Travis in Austin Texas…
How to Sail a Catamaran
Catamaran Sailing Course
Along with the very exciting…
Sailing Bucket List
How to make sailing part of your bucket list, learn sailing, and join a yacht club with or without owning a sailboat.
Best Boat Coffee Maker
Hey - I bought this coffee maker for my birthday yesterday and…
Catamaran Maneuvering and Docking
How to Maneuver a Large Catamaran
Below you will find a very…
Difference between tacking and gybing (aka jibing)
Tacking and Gybing
If you like this post - please "LIKE"…
How to Spring Off a Tee Head
This is a follow up blog on last week's How To Spring On To A…
How to spring on to the dock
What if you're in an end tie or tee head and the wind is blowing you off the dock? It’s not so easy to solve then.
Skipper (Small Boat) Certification Rank
By popular demand we have now introduced a new sailing certification rank called Skipper (small boat) for learning to sail small keelboats.
USCG Captains License
Here is a question from one of our many international students regarding Captains Licenses.
Americas Cup Apparent Wind
Apparent Wind on Americas Cup AC72's
BTW - please…
What is VMG?
VMG - Velocity Made Good and Polar Plots
This discussion…
Pinching – Feel the boat talk to you
Pinching is when the boat is heading too close to the wind. It occurs when you're sailing too close to where the wind is coming from.
How to do a Mediterranean Mooring
How to do a Mediterranean Mooring with skills learned from our Maneuvering Under Power Course, now much simpler and less intimidating.
Day Skipper Qualification Question
How to qualify as a Day Skipper
Here's a question from one of…
Sailing Vacation of a Lifetime
Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can, there are no valid excuses to miss out on an adventure of a lifetime.
How to Spring off the Dock
Springing Off the Dock in a Sailboat
Here is a simple animation…
How to go to the potty on a sailboat and the consequences
There is a skill in going to the potty on a boat that, while obvious to some, may not be to a newbie without a swagger.
How to Dock a Sailboat
Need to dock a sailboat? This course will have you confident enough to back a boat into a slip in a 40 knot cross wind.
How to sail in light winds
Sailing in Light winds
Sailing in light air is certainly a skill…
Sailing Tip: How to move the fairlead forward whilst under tension
In a stiff breeze you want to move the fairlead forward after you have reefed the headsail right? Yes, right!
Sailing Schools – Teach how to Sail to Millennial Students
We live in a world where Millennials are making up more and more of our customers. eLearning is everywhere and now expected.
Man Overboard
In this post I want to tell a few stories that will alert you to the fact that MOB is going to happen to you, and often when you least expect
Catamaran Sailing Game by NauticEd
Here is a youtube post by one of our talented students who gets…
Captains License
Captain's License
Here is the latest list of courses associated…
Master of the Vessel Question
How can a student log sailing experience as ‘master’ of the vessel as outlined in your sailing certification requirements?
Day Skipper: Skipper Bundle of Sailing Courses
Day Skipper
When we put the Skipper Sailing Course and the Maneuvering…
Navigation: Electronic or Paper charts?
So here is a post I did on a recent linkedin forum for sailing…
How to do a Running Fix
Running Fix Explained
This week we uploaded our updated…
Getting the most out of NauticEd
This article is meant to be read after your first week or so…
Day 7 of getting to know NauticEd
This is the final day of getting to know NauticEd International…
How to leave a slip with crosswind
The trick to how to leave a slip with crosswind is to hold the bow upwind with a dock line to the end of the dock. Make sure...
How to dock a sailboat
Here's a fun suggestion - grab a sandwich, a few drinks, and…
How to cure seasickness naturally
On our most recent yacht charter to the Bay of Islands, New Zealand,…
Sailboat Dealers working with NauticEd
In the 2013 new era market, after the carnage and fall out from…
Practical Proof of sailing proficiency when bareboat chartering
Here is a question posted by one of our students - it's such…
How to fill out your sailing experience logbook
NauticEd is the world's only digital way of storing your online…
performance yacht charter
Christian and Lucy at Performance Yacht Charter are a pretty…
Yacht Charter in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand
NauticEd staff just completed a 10-day yacht charter on a 40 ft Leopard Catamaran with the Moorings, New Zealand in the famous Bay of Islands. AND ... I have to say that comparing all the places all over the world that we have chartered in, the Bay of Islands is definitely world class.
How To Bareboat Charter – Question
Here's a question from a potential student about how to bareboat…
PRESS RELEASE: New Electronic Navigation Course Released
Fresh off the ePress - Electronic Navigation Course
A few weeks…
Autopilot sailing to a waypoint
Last weekend the NauticEd crew did a boat delivery for the local…
Sailing by the Luff
This question was posed to us on our NauticEd Sailing facebook…
Want to sail around the world?
If sailing around the world or parts thereof is on your bucket…
PRESS RELEASE: Boating Safety Technology
Press Release
Contact: Grant Headifen …
Dinghy Sailing iBook for Kids 8 to 80
"What's better than…
About Sailing Badges and Status
Earn Sailing Badges and Status with NauticEd's free training system. You'll get instant feedback on how you can improve your skills.
Sailing Badges
With NauticEd's Sailing Badges and Status program, students now earn badges based on their specific boating and sailing activities.
How to Earn Sailing Status
Sailing Status
With the NauticEd Badges and Sailing Status program,…
How to read a polar plot for sailboats
The polar plot is the navigator’s friend. Below is an example for one particular boat for one particular true wind speed.
Gybe Boo Boo
The forecast was for 30 gusting to 40 knots and we were set to…
The Wind Triangle: Apparent Wind vs True Wind
Apparent wind is a vector summation of the boat velocity and…
Handling a wind gust in a dinghy
Below, we have included a brand new animation that will help…
Dinghy Sailing Heading up
As an addition to our dinghy sailing iBook for kids, which will…
Headsail funnels the wind
The animation included below shows you exactly how a head sail…
Luffing and sheeting in
This animation below shows a dinghy that is sailing at about…
Points of Sail
This is a points of sail animation for teaching kids how to sail…
Private Sailing Training Vacations
One of the best ways to get some immersive sailing training…
Essential Reefing a Sailboat Tips
A good sailing tip would be to reef your boat early before the…
Reefing a Sailboat – HTML5 Animations
Just posting here some fun and helpful animations of reefing…
Dinghy Sailing eLearning
NauticEd is happy to confirm that we will be launching our second…
iPad, iPhone, and Android eLearning Tool for Sailing Education
NauticEd uses the latest in eLearning Technology by combining…
Man Overboard captured on video
Racing out on the harbor a few weeks ago one of our guys suddenly…
How to gybe with a dipping pole
Last week we were out on a Beneteau First 45 to participate in…
Anchoring and going to the potty HTML5 animations
Anchoring and going to the head animations
With the introduction…
Skipper Course now Available in iTunes
Apple iTunes just released our NauticEd Skipper…
Check Your Anchor Rode
Checking your anchor rode is a critical safety item that needs to be addressed by every boat owner at least once per season.
Sailing in Tahiti: Navigation Tips
The NauticEd crew headed out on our annual Bareboat Charter Master Graduation Sailing Trip. Lessons learned and navigation tips sailing in Tahiti.
Transit of Venus: Celestial Navigation
This won't happen again in our lifetimes apparently. Venus, as…
Anchoring in a Regatta Race
Best tactics and practices for properly anchoring while in a regatta race.
How to Pull on a Line
Here's a quicky sailing tip that isn't documented in too many…
Mayday Mayday Mayday: Collision at Sea
The more time you spend on the ocean the more incidences you will encounter. Here’s a life threatening event that happened to me this week.
Sailing Video: Informative and Slightly Funny
This week we launched a new sailing video to help explain NauticEd sailing school; what we do and how we do it.
Coastal Navigation: The Math Behind It
Currently we're working on a cool project with SimRad to create…
Tides and Tidal Currents
Tides and tidal currents came to mind today as I strolled along…
Sailing Courses Available For Everyone
NauticEd's sailing courses cover a wide range of sailing education.…
Post graduate sailing vacation-adventure-celebration Tahiti
If you ever thought of checking off a dream sailing vacation…
James Cook Observation of Solar Transit of Mercury
This weekend I visited a very special and historically significant…
Join Your Local Yacht Club
This is the 2012 New Years Resolution Sailing Tip
This issue's…
Coastal Navigation and Anchoring in Inland Waterways of Australia
Where were you over the holidays? Sailing?
If you tried to…
When to reef a sailboat
While all sailboat designs are different and will sail optimally…
NauticEd Reviews
At NauticEd Sailing School we've been collecting student reviews…
How to dock a sailboat in heavy wind
Docking a boat on to an end-tie or tee head with a strong wind…
Simplistic Explanation of Latitude and Longitude Determination
The posting here is not a course in celestial navigation by any…
Docking a Sailboat using Spring Lines
Here's a question from a student regarding docking a sailboat…
Reefing a Catamaran
Here's a question from a student.
Short sailing tip with big sailing lesson and slight humor
This is a real story with some details left out to protect the…
More about Heaving-to in a sailboat
This is an add on to the last post we did on heaving to. I was…
Heaving To in a Sailboat is a Practiced Skill
While books say to tack the boat with the head sail cleated to windward and turn the wheel to windward, there's more to know about heaving to
Top Ten Good Captaining Skills
Captaining a bareboat yacht on a sailing vacation is an acquired…
Press Release: Social Proof for Sailing School Instructors
On-line product reviews are in demand these days by consumers…
How to Sail with a Jockey Pole
Last weekend we were out racing and one of the legs was very…
Earn your USCG Captain’s License with NauticEd
NauticEd announces some pretty exciting news today regarding…
Learning to Sail with the Tell Tales
Take a look at some footage of the tell tales on the head sail as a NauticEd student turned the boat through various wind angles.
Sailing A Catamaran
In this article, we’re talking about bareboat chartering of a Catamaran sailing boat on a sailing vacation.
Sailing Video of Rolex Regatta 2011
Just posted the sailing video of the experience of racing the…
Yacht Club Intelligence: NauticEd Sailing School Press Release
Imagine if you could just hang out at the yacht club every day…
Yesterday we were out racing in our local sailing regatta. At…
NauticEd Launches New Sailing Course: Anchoring a Sailboat
PRESS RELEASE: NauticEd Launches New Sailing Course: Anchoring…
NauticEd Encourages Advanced Sailors to Get a Sailing Certification
PRESS RELEASE: NauticEd Encourages Advanced Sailors to Get a…
Sailboat Mast Height
Know your sailboat mast height! Some lessons learned from encountering over-water power lines during a bareboat sailing trip.
How to win in sailing regatta
Racing in a sailboat regartta
Sailing Around the world in… I don’t know … days
Last weekend we met up with our friends Chris and Christine Ellsay…
Sailing Education is Supposed to be Fun
We had a blast putting this Ocean Navigation Discussion video together.
Thanks For Referring Students to NauticEd
NauticEd's online sailing school recent growth spurt has been…
Oh – I Do Love to be Beside the Seaside
It’s an old song but it certainly rang the bells for me recently. …
Member Feedback makes it all worthwhile
Here's a great unsolicited email from a student below. Makes…
Qualified Crew Member Certification
Here's an exciting addition to the NauticEd Sailing Certification…
Qualifying Experience – Sailing Certification
Here's an email from a student asking about qualifying experience…
Press Release – New Safety at Sea Online Sailing Course
Today, NauticEd Sailing School announced the posting of its online…
Press Release – NauticEd Releases Captain’s Rank
Today, NauticEd Online Sailing School announced its release of…
There are two types of Sailors
They say that there are two types of sailors – those who have…
Android Resume Update App Launched
Want to Update your Sailing Resume on the fly (erh I mean dock)?
Save Big on NauticEd Courses
Hooowa - said Al Pacino in the movie Sent of a Woman.
Press Release: All Women Crew in Rolex Regatta
Press Release: Rolex Regatta
NauticEd launches “myBoat” – Boat Sharing Software
Here is a Press Release by NauticEd today
Also viewable in…
How to Get to a Waypoint
Recently on our NauticEd flotilla with the Moorings to the Kingdom…
How to Spring off the Dock with a Catamaran
Next week we're going to Tonga and the island of Vava'U for a…
Heaving To And Something About It That You Might Not Know
Most sailors already know how to heave to so I’ll give the…
Even whales want to learn to sail
Oh My Goodness
This story is, almost unbelievably, one…
Come Join us for the Rolex Regatta on a Maxi Race Yacht
Join us on an 80 ft Maxi Yacht in the Rolex Regatta.
Going on a Yacht Charter Vacation? Here’s a tip!
Here’s a great tip for yacht charter vacations.
Types of Anchors and bottom types that they are best suited.
As you learn to sail, you should be also learning about anchoring.…
How the Tides Work
As a new sailor, just learning to sail, the thought of figuring out how tides work can be quite intimidating. Let's talk about them.
Slow Tack or Fast Tack – That is the question
I once sailed with an ex-submarine captain who would turn the…
Leeway and a Bottle of Rum
Leeway is just one of those things that is a law of the universe…
Weather Helm Vs Lee Helm – What is it? How to use it?
Most of us sort of understand the concept of weather and lee helm, but few explanations go into how it gives your boat a sailing advantage.
Stopping Rounding Up Dead in it’s Tracks
Rounding up is caused by many factors. One is too much wind and…
Sailing Certification Question
Here is a question posted by one of our students today with our…
Clever Sailing Tip
Ever had trouble trying to trim the genoa car forward or back whilst it is under load from the sail? We have the trick for you.
Day 6 of an introduction to NauticEd
This is the final day of your introduction to NauticEd. Watch…
Day 5 of 6 in an introduction to NauticEd
This is day 5 of 6 in your introduction to NauticEd International…
Day 4 of Introduction to NauticEd
This is day 4 of 6 in your introduction to NauticEd International…
Bareboat Charter Crew Briefing List
We received a lot of interest in the Bareboat Charter Course…
Life Saving Tip for downwind sailing
Some tips are long and some are short - This short one will save…
Day 3 of your Introduction to NauticEd
This is day 3 of 6 in your introduction to NauticEd International…
Enter your sailing experience into your NauticEd Online Logbook
We produced this video to help you in filling out your NauticEd…
Emergency navigation lights on board
Got a request from a student to point out more through out our…
True Wind versus Apparent Wind
We took this from a section in the Crew and Skipper Courses to…
Answer to a Student’s Question About Documentation
Here is an email we received from a NauticEd student
Day 2 of useful instructions for new students
This is the day 2 introduction to NauticEd sailing school.…
Useful instructions for NauticEd Users
Make sure you like us on facebook to stay up with all the cool…
NED the world’s coolest sailing instructor – teaching people to learn to sail
This is a FREE learn to sail application which the NauticEd team…
NauticEd Student sailing experience in the BVI’s
On 2/9/10 4:09 AM, "MICHAEL" wrote:
Hello Grant,
Just returned…
Dates announced for Tonga Sailing flotilla
While I'm waiting for the America's cup race to start and twittering…
PRESS RELEASE: NauticEd Announces Pacific Island Post Graduate Sailing Flotilla
NauticEd Online Sailing School will begin offering a Post Graduate…
New Sailors in production in New Zealand
New Zealand has long been respected by the world sailing community…
Students express interest in knocking down the bucket list
Here is a wonderful email from a NauticEd Student regarding our…
Press Release: NauticEd and Safe Passage Sailing To Provide Sailing Adventures
NauticEd announced today that it would begin providing sailing…
Press Release – Annapolis Bay Charters becomes NauticEd FlagShip Sailing School
Annapolis Bay Charters becomes NauticEd’s first Flag Ship Practical…
Sailing Resume – Logbook
Here is a question posted by Nancy KnudsenEditor Sail-World Cruising.…
Cool iPhone App
Along with NauticEd's iphone app to help sailors keep their logbook…
The NauticEd Sailing Certificate Explained
Here is an explanation of how your NauticEd Sailing certificate…
Sailing Certifications made simple
The NauticEd Sailing Certification system can be easily explained…
Chronicles of a Sailing Yacht Charter Week in the BVI’s: Last day Day 10
After a 7am dip in the pool and breakfast at the Mafolie Hotel…
Chronicles of a Sailing Yacht Charter Week in the BVI’s: Last day on the water – Day 9
This was the last day of our wonderful yacht charter sailing…
Chronicles of a Sailing Yacht Charter Week in the BVI’s: Day 8
Friday 2nd October 2009
Early to rise in Savannah Bay –…
Chronicles of a Sailing Yacht Charter Week in the BVI’s: Day 7
Thursday 1st October
Savannah Bay BVI: There is nothing like…
Chronicles of a Sailing Yacht Charter Week in the BVI’s: Day 6
Wednesday 30th September 2009
Bath time on a catamaran is…
Chronicles of a Sailing Yacht Charter Week in the BVI’s: Day 5
Tuesday 29th September 2009
A classic yacht chartering blunder…
Chronicles of a Sailing Yacht Charter Week in the BVI’s: Day 4
Monday 28th September
On Monday morning the wind was out of…
Chronicles of a Sailing Yacht Charter Week in the BVI’s: Day 3
Sunday September 27th 2009
Having a 1 year old on board is…
Chronicles of a Sailing Yacht Charter Week in the BVI’s: Day 2
Saturday September 26th 2009
Catching the ferry from Charlotte…
Chronicles of a Sailing Yacht Charter Week in the BVI’s: Day 1
To follow over the next week, are the chronicles of this year’s yacht charter sailing vacation trip by NauticEd staff and friends. Although we’ve sailed through out the Caribbean and Mediterranean, once again we elected the BVI.
Yacht Charter trip to the British Virgin Islands
As we prepare for our yacht charter sailing vacation to the British Virgin Islands this month, I want to post a few emails that we are sending out to the group that is going. Below is one from my wife discussing provisioning.
Catamaran Sailing Confidence Course
Hot of the press today: We just launched the new Catamaran Sailing…
Trim the main sail
When learning to sail the main thing we're excited about doing…
Hello down there
The sailing lesson today is to use Loctite on screws on your boat when you don’t want to lose them or when you don’t want to climb the mast.
Login to NauticEd Blog Via Social Media
Use Facebook, Aol, Live, Open ID to login and publish comments…
NED – Interactive Sailing Instructor
NED is an interactive online sailing instructor developed by…
Starting out in reverse has its issues
A recent discussion with a student regarding Maneuvering a Sailboat…
NauticEd Unveils High-Tech Teaching Tool
Today, NauticEd again lived up to its tag line…
Cruising Friends
This is an email to me from some friends, Chris and Chris and…
What about COB – Captain overboard?
Last week we made a pretty good point about using the engine…
Sailing Experience Required by Charter Companies
What to Include in Your Sailing Resume:
- Over 25 outings as master of a 28ft+ vessel
- Anchoring, yacht ownership, blue water, and crew experience
- Recent 5-year sailing history
- Mediterranean mooring skills (if applicable)
- Previous charter experience
- All above plus documented education
- All above plus verified practical competence
Preventing an autotack in a sailboat
In continuing our learn to sail series of blogs we discuss the…
Man Over Board discussion
Last evening we were sailing our Beneteau 373 under a pleasant…
Shhhh be vewy vewy quiet – don’t tell the power boaters
Sailboats are much more maneuverable than power boats - but don't spread the word because all the powerboaters will run to their congressmen to get the Navigation Rules changed.
Sailing in Sydney Harbour
The experience of sailing on the Sydney Harbour is not to be missed by anyone. Sailing under the Sydney harbor bridge and then right past the Sydney Opera house is one of those events that everyone should do at least once in their lifetime.
Mooring Accident
While it is generally accepted that mooring is safer than anchoring,…
Coastal Navigation Course Launched
Yesterday we launched our most requested course. Coastal Navigation!…
Weather Helm Versus Lee Helm
What are they and what’s the difference? These two terms were…
Learning to sail in gusty conditions
Yesterday I was out teaching on our new Beneteau 373. The conditions…
New Course on Celestial Navigation
Well it is finally here - one of our most requested courses yet…
Anchoring a sailboat
Learning to anchor a boat is an integral part of your learn to…
Docking continued
In the previous blog we dealt with end ties. Now we get onto…
More on Docking
This is the continued series on how to leave the dock in a sailboat
Leaving the Slip
This is the first in a series of blogs on leaving the slip or end tie. Some combinations of wind and current can get complicated and some are easy. The first shown below is the easiest. Stay tuned to this series and we’ll show all.
Momentum Discussion
Here is an exercise that everyone should do. It's taken from…
20 point plan to rig for heavy weather
1. Reduce sail to the appropriate sail plan early.
2. Make storm…
Further elaboration of true vs apparent wind
There has been a request for further elaboration of the wind…
Learning to hold a straight course
One issue that appears most often with new sailors learning to…
Understanding true vs apparent wind
Here is an easy description of true wind and apparent wind. Put…
Sailing Schools and Sailing Experience.
What do you do when you have finished with the NauticEd online…
A few rules and signs and lights to learn when sailing
Once you've decided that you like it and you now want to learn…
Sailboat Rigging and Some Nomenclature
Learning to sail can be a bit overwhelming at the start because…
Learn to Sail
Just how hard is it to learn to sail. I meet people on airplanes…
Where is the storm center?
We've received a few questions on clarification of the mechanics…
Moving the car forward under tension
Moving the jib sheet car forward when the jib sheet is under…
Reef un reef reef unreef
When you're racing you need to get the most out of your rig and…
Happy New Year – learn to sail in light winds
What better way for NauticEd online sailing classes to start…
FREE Rules of Right of Way Course for Sailboats
Since we have just launched this new FREE rules of right of way…
West Marine Links to NauticEd
West Marine, the USA's largest (by far) chandlery sailing and…
USCG Captain’s Course
I recently finished my Coast Guard Captain's license and then…
Docking a boat
Docking, maneuvering, handling, parking a boat while under power…
Beating Seasickness
One of the best forms of cure for seasickness when sailing a…
Practical Sailing Schools “get” NauticEd
All the reasons why sailing schools should be linked to NauticEd
Sailing Charter Companies “get” NauticEd
With the addition of NauticEd's two recent sailing Courses -…
Just Launched – Yacht Club Fund Raising
Yacht clubs are always looking to raise funds for their programs…
Cold Front again
Bamm another cold front right behind the other. And this is what…
First Weather Blog
This is the first weather blog and fitting as it is – a cold…
Why the crew course?
We wrote the crew course because of quite a few instances when…
Maneuvering a sailboat under power
Learn the best techniques for maneuvering a sailboat under power. Discover the power of reverse and improve your maneuvering skills on the water.
Christmas in the Caribbean
Two christmas’ ago, 5 of us went to Guadeloupe Island for Christmas. We chartered a sunsail 44 ft Beneteau and sailed for a week around the local islands of Guadeloupe, Marie Galante and Dominica
Hilarious video of a guy learning to sail.
Funny Video of a guy learning to sail
He should have used…
Skippering a Sailboat
This is the first blog post for the Skipper course and we…
Blog Posts
The 20 latest Blog Posts
- Meet Sailing Instructor Patrick Scollard
- Flares Are Essential Safety Equipment
- Meet Sailing Instructor Lawrence Galiano
- The International Ibiza Regatta!
- Meet Sailing Instructor Ainsley Harrison
- Guide to Adapters and Chargers needed for Yacht Charter
- Top 10 Tips For a Mediterranean Yacht Charter
- Top 10 Overlooked Annual Inspection Points from a Marine Surveyor
- Meet Sailing Instructor Paul Werbin
- The Importance of Sailing Experiential Learning
- Choosing the Perfect Catamaran for a Yacht Charter
- Choosing the Right Yacht for Your Goals
- Sicily – Discover the Aeolian Islands
- 8 Essential Tips for Buying the Right Yacht
- How to Boost Your Sailing Skills During the Off-Season
- Buying a Cheap Sailboat – is it a Deal?
- Chartering the Greek Riveria
- How to Create a New Years Resolution
- Lost Treasure
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